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Right now, you, Hidan, and Kakuzu were chasing Yugito Nii, the two tailed beast's Jinchuurki in the sewers of Kumogakure. Hidan extended his scythe, trying to hit her, but she dodged and jumped into a dead end. The three of you walked out of the shadows.

"Let's get this shit done with." You groaned.

"Hold it." Hidan said, bringing out this necklace, I really don't know what it is, but it's something that some people hold when they're praying.

"Before we do that, I must pray to my God." He said.

"You're such a pain in the ass..." You said.

"It's a pain for me too, but the commandants are strict, so I have no choice now, do I?!" He replied.

"Don't talk that way to me, you masochist..." You hissed.

"You probably think you have me cornered, but you don't. I lured you guys here, you see!" Yugito exclaimed while doing a handsign. You heard hissing and soon explosions went off at every exit.

"Now that I know you are with the Akatsuki, I cannot let you escape." She stated.

"Oh my god. What are we gonna do?" You sarcastically said. She narrowed her eyes at you.

'Red hair, hot headed personality... It's an Akuma!' Yugito thought.

"Why yes, I am an Akuma, as you can tell." You said with a smirk. She gasped, as she took a step back.

"What?! How?!" She asked, purely shocked.

"As you know, I'm a quarter demon, so I can read thoughts at my will." You said.

"Actually, being trapped like this is favorable for us." You added. Her face then went into a glare.

"In the name of Yugito Nii in the Hidden Cloud. I'll kill you!" She boldly said.

"Huh...?! What?!" Hidan said while pointing a finger at her. Then he went off about his religion and stuff. Water started spiraling around Yugito's feet, until she slammed her hands on the ground. Her hair broke out of her pony tail and she began to get cat-like features.

"Don't mess around!" She screamed while turning into Matatabi.

"Huh...? Look likes that's a no." Hidan said.

"IDIOT!" You screamed at him.

'She's able to control her with ease.' You thought. In a few seconds she was completely turned into Matatabi. You growled, puting your hands in the rat sign. 

"Soul Resonance!!!" You screamed. Black flames emerged from your body, successfully transforming you into Cerberus.

"What?!" Hidan exclaimed.

"Y/n's the Eleven Tailed Jinchuuriki?!" He exclaimed.

"You should've known that!" You boomed. You turned your three heads towards Matatabi. She opened her mouth and began to make a fireball. You opened your three mouths and began to make a black fireball.

"I would take cover if I were you." You advised. She launched the fireball and so did you. Your attacks collided, resulting in the building above you to blow up. The underground sewer was nothing but rubble. You and her were having a stare down. You roared, loudly, causing your tails to whip around violently. Your tails broke apart walls, broke the ground, and caused even more havoc. You roared again, your tails wrapping around Matatabi's arms, legs, neck, and tails. She thrashed around violently, trying to break free from your grip.

She tried to claw at your tails, but they just passed through because they were made out of fire. You lunged forward, biting the underside of her neck, and your other two heads bit her shoulders.

"Man, she's the only one fighting her.." Hidan whined.

"Be grateful. Now we don't have to worry about getting injured." Kakuzu replied.

"Yeah... but... this is the kind of power leader-sama wants... do you think he'll want her?" Hidan asked seriously.

"I don't know... but even if he did try anything with her she'd just kill him." Kakuzu replied. The two got interrupted by a screech. They look up, and saw Matatabi's chakra cloak slowly fading away.

'Demon Style: Soul Eradication!' You thought. The chakra cloak completely disappeared, revealing an unconscious Yugito. She fell to the ground, half-dead.

"What did she do?" Hidan asked.

"It's Soul Eradication." You replied. Hidan turned towards your massive self.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked.

"Basically, I extracted her soul and destroyed it, leaving her half-dead. The only thing keeping her alive is her internal organs. However, she'll never wake up again." You replied.

"I see..." Kakuzu muttered.

'Now that I think about it... Y/n isn't too bad. She took on the Monster Cat by herself and even warned us about her attack...' Hidan thought.

"Kakuzu, Hidan." You called, drawing their attention.

"When I release the Jutsu I'll probably fall unconscious for a little while. It's the after affects for Soul Resonance, just saying." You said. The two of them nodded.

"Yeah, I got it." He replied. You lifted up your paw and slammed it on the ground. You body began to slowly burn away until the middle of your back where you appeared. You started falling down, but Hidan caught you bridal style.

Ruby-Chan: I SHIP IT!!!!!!😂

Literally all of the comments: Plz no.

Zetsu then appeared.

"I'll take care of the two tails." He said before grabbing Yugito and disappearing in the ground.

"Let's just get on with the next." Kakuzu said.

"We can't. Pein assigned Y/n with our group and who knows when she'll wake up. We need to go to the hideout. It's less troublesome." Hidan replied.

"It'll be quicker if we just go with her. She'll wake up when she wakes up. Just carry her." Kakuzu argued.

"Eh?! I'm not holding her the whole damn way! You should carry her the second half of the trip!" Hidan whined.

"I take care of the Akatsuki's investments. I have no time to babysit a brat." Kakuzu retorted, walking away.

"Hmph. Stuck up ass." Hidan muttered, switching positions so that you were on his back. He then jogged up to Kakuzu and the rest of the trip was quiet.

"You gotta hand it to her though. It would've taken a lot longer, had she not been there." Hidan praised.

"I guess. But if you didn't aggravate the Jinchuuriki so damn much it would've been easier than it had been." Kakuzu scolded.

"It's not my fault." Hidan protested.   

Next up,

Infiltrate Konoha.

I think.



Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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