WHY YOU-!!!!

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Kakuzu's hand dragged you so far away you didn't even know where you were, and you couldn't even sense them anymore!

"Dammit!! Why did he do that?!" You shouted, punching a tree. Hell, you didn't even know his hand could stretch that far!

Y/n, you heard what they said, didn't you?


'Yeah, I did...'

"Thank you, for everything."

"DAMMIT!!" You screamed, punching the tree down.

"I have to find them... Now!" You said, beginning to run in the direction you came from.

It's no use Y/n! By the time you get there, it'll be too late. For either them or the others.

'I don't care which one it is!! I just need to be there!'

I've never seen Hime so riled up before...

She must really care for those idiots...


'Dammit! Where are you two?!' You thought frantically while running around like a fucking bird going coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.


You slid to a stop, about to beat the shit out of him, but he interrupted you.

There's no point interfering now! Kakuzu and Hidan are strong, yes, but if Team 10 sends backup like Team Seven, they're done for!!


Cer and Loki were taken aback by your attitude. They've never seen you truly worried like that. With the exception of Naruto and Gaara, you were never one to worry about your friends because you knew they would be able to survive until you helped them.

Hime, please calm down... you're getting too worked up...

'I don't care!!' You said as you blocked their comments and continued running. However, Loki appeared in front of you and sent fire towards you. You obviously had to dodge, jumping back.

"What are you doing?!" You screamed.

"You're being too reckless!" Loki screamed.

"I'm not! You just don't like the fact I'm associated with them! You just think that they're monsters who don't deserve any care or whatever!" You screamed.

"That's not it!!!" He screamed, shocking you considering he never yelled.

"I care about you a lot!! Probably more than that three headed wolf!! I don't want you doing stupid things that could get you hurt! Or worst, killed! Can you imagine what it'd would be like if you died?! You've been the most kindest, caring, loving Jinchuuriki I ever had, while all of my others ones just wanted me for power!! That's why...

... That's why I ordered them to burn!!!" He screamed, making your eyes widen.

"What?" You breathed, dumbfounded.

"I was sick of it! They ordered me around, pushed me aside, and treated me like a slave! They hardly talked to me, let alone actually considered me!! That's why I ordered Azula and killed them with my own flames! Do you realize how good it felt to be treated with such kindness and care by someone you love?!"

"Love?" You muttered. That's when he broke down crying. Tears streamed out of his eyes like rivers as he sank to his knees. Your body was in shock, you couldn't move a muscle. Until you forced yourself to move over to him. You crouched down next to him and slowly pulled him into a hug, his head in the crook of your neck. You placed your hand on his head, and the other on his back.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I'm sorry for making you cry. I didn't mean to." You mumbled into his ear. His breathing was erraticas he hiccuped here and there.

The hell, he's cried more than Y/n...

After a while he calmed down and broke the hug.

"S-sorry, ignore the last thing I said." He said, his cheeks tinted red. You giggled.

"Don't be embarrassed. -sigh- I'm sorry. For acting so selfishly..." You muttered embarrassed.

"It's fine, but please worry about yourself as much as you do others." He said, smiling at you. You frowned before looking down at the ground.

"Hime." He said, lifting up your chin with his fingers.

"Promise me." He practically begged. You stared at his feline-like eyes for a moment.

"Fine. I'll try." You agreed. He did a closed eye smile towards you.

"Thank you." He said before disappearing back into your mind. You sighed before slowly getting up and walking in the direction you were running in.

'I just hope they're okay...' You thought.

You arrived at where the dead trees were and saw that the terrain was completely destroyed.

"No way, did Kakuzu release his hearts?" You thought out loud before picking up your pace. All of a sudden, you felt this strong wind chakra.

'Impossible, that can't be Kakuzu's... It feels more like... Naruto!!' You thought. You quickly ran past all of the destroyed, dead trees and then started to jump from tree to tree. When you got to where you felt the strong wind chakra from, you saw Team Seven and Naruto had a new Jutsu.

"Rasenshuriken." You muttered with narrowed eyes. He made four clones and once he was done creating his Jutsu, the clones ran at him, all pulling out a kunai. Kakuzu destroyed the three clones, but Naruto appeared behind him. He aimed the Jutsu towards him, but the Jutsu vanished. It failed. You breathed out a sigh of relief. Kakuzu then attacked Naruto, punching him away. Yamato then tried to catch him using his wood style, but Kakuzu dodged. More of his hairs popped out, making him larger.

Naruto got up again and retried the Jutsu again. This time, after diverting Kakuzu's attention, he was able to hit him. Your eyes widened as a giant ball of wind exploded and you could see cuts appearing from the winds. You also saw the two masks fall apart, meaning his hearts were destroyed. You summoned your scythe and jumped out of your hiding spot, shocking the teams.

"Demon Style: Death Slash!!" You screamed, cutting into the giant blue ball. However, you had to go deep within the center, so your hair got cut as well. The rubber band was cut, so your now short hair flew out. Once you fully cut through the ball, the halves exploded in black fire.

"Impossible!!" Yamato shouted. Once everything was cleared, you and Kakuzu fell towards the ground. He landed with a thud while you landed on your feet. You walked over to him and did the handsigns.

"Shisha no me." You said. Your eyes changed to black and white, as you inspected his body.

'His chakra network is completely cut. There's no way to heal this...' You thought. Kakuzu coughed up blood, before relaxing again.

Oh lord...

You scowled, closing your eyes, and slowly getting up. The others were waiting, nervousness crawling up their spines.

"You know." You began lowly, making them all freeze.

"This is the first time I've actually wanted to kill all of you." You hissed, making their eyes widen.

"So, tell me..." You trailed off while slowly opening your eyes.

"How would you like to die?" You asked, your eyes fully open.

To be continued

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