Jin (sweet and happy )

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y/n (your name )
l/n (last name )
y/b/m (your birthday month
y/b/n (your bestfriend name)
y/f/p/ y/f/ p /s  (your perfume place or your favorite perfume scent
y/s/n (your sister name
(omma and appa are mom and dad in  korean )
this is imagine is for the  Jin stans all over the world :)

Y/n's Pov
today is my birthday and  i'm turning y/a/n  and  your boyfriend is an idol and his name is kim seokjin from bangtan boys also known as Jin .you said to  yourself ''oh he 's not remember my birthday that guy and i know his busy i will just celebrate it by myself and i or i call y/bn . you said to yourself'' please y/b/n answer this  call i'm staring to worry about you my bestfriend and your bestfriend said'' yoboseyo . hey y/b/n it's me y/n and i'm staring to call  you but you did not hear it and can you come with me please in the mall . your bestfriend said to you '' okay i'm with you and you said to  your bestfriend '' okay thanks you and i went to the mall and buy some makeup , clothes and shoes and i waited for my bestfriend to come here but she did'nt not come and i saw an text from my bestfriend ''hi y/n i'm sorry can't accompany you from going to the mall and you said to your bestfriend '' it's okay i will just celebrate it by myself and just buy a food for me and some grocery for the house  and i forgot  to bring my  lipstick.

you went to some famous stores in around the mall and you brought an ice cream and post it in instagram and your caption is '' yummy ice cream here alone in the mall. and you went to the perfume store and you brought your favorite perfume which is y/f/p , y/f/p/s and you decided to go to your house and you open your door and check out of there someone out and there no one . and  you went to your room and you change into your sleeping wear.


Jin's Pov
I didn't forgot my jagiya birthday i want to surprise her but she already sleeping and she lock the door but i have the spare key of the front door of y/n's house and i decided to wake her up and i know that she feeling sad and lonely because no one celebrate it with her and i want to give her necklace and i want to propose to her and i ask y/b/n to wake up y/n and her bestfriend '' hey y/n wake up already okay and Y/n went out to her room and she went to kitchen and she drink water and sudddenly the  light were out and me , her bestfriend , her family members also my family members we hide and i signal them and said 1. 2.3 surprise '' we said to y/n '' happy birthday y/n

Y/n's Pov
I thought i will celebrate my birthday alone and i was not prepared and i was just wearing my sleeping pajamas and i want to sleep but i can't sleep . i hear an doorbell from your room and i'm checking and there's no one and when i went to kitchen to drink water and after I drink water the electricty went out and i check my electricty but it's on. and i did not mind and my bestfriend , my boyfriend suddenly pop -out also my family and his family and they shouted '' happy birthday y/n and I said to them '' where did you all hide up ? they said '' secret and i open from gift from my parents which is an bracelet and a letter . and you said to your parents '' thank  your mom and dad

To: Y/n
happy birthday sweetie ! me and your appa are proud of you in your achievement and always remember me and appa are here for you and no matter what happens we are here for you. and we are thankful that you are our daughter and wish for you is good health and stay pretty and we love you sweetie! 😍☺️❤️
from; your mom and dad

you received a gift from your bestfriend it's a scarpbook and it's full of your  picture together and an pink pen for you and she know that you like color pink and you said to your bestfriend '' thank y/b/n

To: Y/n
happy birthday to my clingy bestfriend and we have know each other since birth and we have been classmate in elementary , highschool , college and i wish for you is stay humble as you and stay pretty and i know that you have a many dream to have and stay funny and y/n  always rememeber that i'm here for you and if you have an problem i'm here for you and i love you  my bestie forever
From ; your bestfriend , y/b/.n

you received an gift from your older sister and it's an teddy bear and it's color pink and a note ,

To: Y/n
happy birthday to my dongsaeng and always unnie is here for you and me and oppa loves you so much and saraghae dongsaeng and i hope you like our gift to me and i know that you like color pink .  .
From: your unnie ,y/s/n

you also received an gift from your one and only boyfriend which is kim seokjin also known as Jin and it's an necklace and an ring and there an letter

To: my Jagiya
happy birthday to my pretty girl and i love you so much and i always remember that i'm here for you and if you are ready to wear this ring and i'm ready to wait for you and smile and i love everything about you and enjoy ur day and today is your day
love , your oppa , Jin

~~~Y/n's pov~~
I texted Jin and said ''are you free tonight ? and if you are free can you call me or text me '' okay and let's meet in where did we met on the first day and please don't be late or tell you to my mom and dad i'm just joking you and i will tell you now my feelings towards him and i want to take the step with Jin and i already have decided to wear this ring.

your bestfriend , y/b/n only knew about the ring that Jin gave you and she said to you '' y/n i know that Jin loves you so much and i saw in his eyes and every time he stared at you and i know that because as your Bestfriend and Jin friend you both are perfect together and i'm so happy of y/n and you said to your bestfriend '' i know that and thanks to you

~~Jin's Pov~~
i don't know why y/n called me and text me that if i'm free and i said to y/n '' yes i'm free why ? she answered '' let's talk about the ring and i said to her '' okay where can we meet . she said '' let's meet in our favorite cafe and i said to him '' okay y/n . i'm feeling nervous towards y/n and if she does'nt  agree to marry me and have a family with her and i said to her that '' i'm will to wait for you and i think that Y/n think already about the ring.

i went to the cafe and i saw Y/n siting there and drinking her favorite vanilla cream latte and eat an cake and i said to him '' oh you are here already do you want to anything . and i said to Y/n ''anything.

~~Y/n's pov~~
He went already in the cafe and saw me siting in chair and ask me '' why did you want to meet here and i answered him and said'' the one that said to me during birthday . if i'm ready to wear this ring and i have already decided it and he said to me '' what your answer now? and i said to him '' okay and Jin didnt have propose to me yet .

~~Jin's pov~~
i want to propose to her right now and ask her to be my wife and tell the world how i love her and i dont want to lose her and my life will be horrible if i'm let her go and if i put the ring in the cake and while y/n is eating the cake and i will put it there.

~~Y/n's pov
why is Jin always staring at me and it's just so awkard and he acting weird like when i talk to him he pretend that he does not hear and i continue eating my cake and when i finishing eating my cake i fell something stuck in throat and i ca'nt chewy it and it makes me choke and i called for help from Jin and was like '' what happen to you y/n and i said to him '' just help me and he pushed me and an ring bounce and it was so shine like an diamond and Jin kneel down with one leg and said to me '' y/n l/n i love you so much and will be the  mother of kids and be the honour to be my wife and i love everything about you . y/n l/n i know that party you were so beautiful and i would like to say thanks to your parents that they had an beautiful daughter. and you answered him '' yes i will marry you.

Jin's pov
Yahoo! she said '' yes to me and she mine and i'm yours and i love you so much y/n and thanks for everything

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