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Imagine you and V are both idol and you have a baby . Both bring your baby on mama awards.

Y/n's pov
Me and taehyung are married for a year and we have a baby girl name " heaven. Me and taehyung also known as V named our child " heaven because when i was pregnant to heaven i always look at the sky. I'm a vocalist/maknae of flower shine.

V's pov
Me and Y/n have dating for a month and we got married. Y/n was pregnant to an baby girl which is heaven. My unforgettable moment becoming a dad is you need to be always there to support her. She her lips from her mom and the nose from me.

Y/n's pov
Today me and V are going to mama awards and we don't where do leave baby heaven.

V's pov
I know that Y/n is worried about our baby. Me and Y/n will just bring heaven in mama awards with us and she will just for me and Y/n.

Y/n's pov
Baby heaven is wearing a light blue and pink dress and her hair is tie into pigtails.

V's pov
Our baby is sleeping in her mommy arms like an marshmallow.

Y/n's pov
"Kim taehyung , please stop waking up heaven she is sleeping". I said to V. V said to me " our baby is so clingy to her mom.

V's pov
Me , Y/n and heaven went to our car and all the reporters are saw us. We need to rush to the airport for the mama awards.

~time skip~
V's pov
Me , Y/n,heaven are here in our hotel room.

Y/n's pov
I change my clothes into an white shirt and rip jeans.

V's pov
I change my clothes into an white shirt and rip jeans same like Y/n.

Y/n's pov
I took a picture me and V and post on instagram and my caption was " matchy matchy! With my one and only hubby. # hongkong #love #mama awards

V's pov
I hearted the post of Y/n and i comment to her post " ♡♡♡ . I saw the comments were " so cutie, #goals,  Y/n and V are married they look like boyfriend and girlfriend.

Y/n's pov
I wore my black late dress and black heel . I took a picture of myself and post on instagram and my caption was " black. I saw the comments were " so pretty Y/n unnie.,more power to flowershine.

V's pov
Finally our princess has awake. She grumpy and she is look like for her mommy. " baby heaven it's me appa.
She keeps on crying!

Y/n's pov
Our baby girl is finding her momma. " heaven marie kim". Please stop crying momma is here.

V's pov
I'm going to mama awards with bts. And Y/n is going with flower shine and baby heaven.

Y/n's pov
" baby heaven say bye bye to appa. I said to heaven. Heaven just did an beautiful eye to V

V's pov
I love you both. I said to Y/n and i.
* flying kiss

Y/n's pov
Me and baby heaven took a picture together and post on instagram and my caption was " my mini me. #love.
I saw the comments were " so cutie! , baby heaven and Y/n are really look like. Mini Y/n.

V's pov
I'm here in the venue and we are practing and we have break i saw the post of  Y/n . It's a picture of Y/n and heaven her caption was " mini me. I hearted  the photo and commented " my loves are so pretty.

Y/n's pov
Me and heaven are here already I'm just having my makeup done. I heard an knock from my door and it was V

V's pov
" i saw my anae in  the make up chair  . She looks so pretty and our little princess is playing with her toys.

Y/n's pov
My nampyeon, looks so handsome.
Our little princess just laugh at him.

V's pov
Me , Y/n , heaven took a picture and post on instagram and my caption was " family. #love. I saw the comments were " so cutie family, baby heaven look like Y/n unnie and mix of V.

Y/n's pov
I hearted V post in instagram.

~time skip~

V's pov
Me , Y/n, heaven went back to the hotel and rest there and tomorrow  me and Y/n will bring heaven to disneyland hongkong and it's her birthday tomorrow

Y/n's pov
Our little princess is asleep.

~Time skip~
V's pov
Today is the birthday of our little princess which is heaven.

Y/n's pov
She is 3 months. Our little princess is still sleeping and i carry her in my womb for 9 months. And I'm so happy that she is our daughter.

V's pov
Our little princess is awake now and yahoo! We are going to disneyland with your uncles baby heaven.  "Mommy mommy mommy! I carried her in arms and i  got the bottle of milk and gave to her and she is asleep again.

Y/n's pov
I saw baby heaven sleeping in his appa arms. I took a picture of them amd post on instagram and my caption was " father and daughter moment. I pack the clothes that heaven will wear today and her milk and her stroller. Is already in the car.

V's pov
Me and Y/n place baby heaven in her baby chair

~time skip~
V's pov
Our little princess played with Jungkook.

Y/n's pov
I brought something for V and it's stuff toy mickey mouse and i have minnie mouse. I brought for heaven some hair clips.

V's pov
Namjoon hyung said to me " Heaven looks like you and Y/n mix. Jin is making funny faces to heaven.

Y/n's pov
I brought some food for us.

V's pov

Y/n's pov
Baby heaven milk first. I will give you banana later. Heaven did an beautiful eye to me . I kissed her cheeks . V i have to give you something?

V's pov
What is it?

Y/n's pov
It's an mickey mouse

V's pov
Thanks you! Y/n

Y/n's pov
Your welcome

V's pov
I love you Y/f/n l/n- kim

Y/n's pov
I love you too kim taehyung. 
Me and heaven are so happy to have you in our life

~time skip ~

V's pov
My wife is so pretty while sleeping.
Even with baby heaven

Y/n's pov
I- i love you kim taehyung

V's pov
I love you too

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