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Imagine you and Jin are classmate and him saves You from the bullies in school

Y/n's pov

I'm Lee Y/n. I'm Just an ordinary girl with a big dream and my family owns a flower shop. I help them with my older brother and my Younger sister.

Jin's pov

I'm popular in our school. My family owns the University

Y/n's pov

My mom said to me that I will be  enrolled To Kim university and that school is for rich people not like me

Jin's pov

I'm excited to meet new people and old people there in University

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

Y/n! Y/n! wake up already and Today is Your first day in university to Kim university. I said to My mom "' ne eomma I will take a bath. I wore my uniform and Put on little light makeup and Curled my hair and I got my bike and ride it to Kim university

Jin's pov

I have arrived here in the university and some fans are waiting for me and screaming

Y/n's pov

I don't know why It's noisy here. Wow! This school is so big and How did my parents get me to enroll here. I walk inside and some people are giving me dead stare and I don't know why. I went to the office and sign some forms and she gave me my schedules and I went inside and a teacher notice and Said to me "'Are You Y/n? I said to her "Yes I am. welcome. I'm Madam Anna or miss. Miss Anna said to me ''Introduce yourself, Hi I'm Y/n and my family owns a flower shop. some people in the classroom are laughing at me. that  Sophie Jung keeps  on giving me a death stare

Jin's pov

I Don't know that she owns a flower shop and my family needs a flower arrangement for our parties. Sophie, I don't know why she hates her

~time skip~

Y/n's pov

Yahoo! Lunch time A girl came and said to me "Are you Y/n? I said to her ''yes I am and she Introduced herself "'Hi I'm Camille Choi. My parents own a bakery. I said to her "'Hello I'm Y/F/n L/n my family own a flower shop. She said to me ''okay"' I said to her "' can we be a best friend?. She said to me ''sure thing"'we ate together and talked about stuff

Jin's pov

That girl looks familiar. I think I have seen her. She is the girl who bumped me earlier and we are classmate

Y/n's pov

We went back to the classroom and I went to The girls restroom and I heard a someone locked me inside here. I tried getting out but I can't and I fainted 

Jin's pov

I asked Ellie where is Y/n. She said to me "I have not seen her after we went back to the classroom and she said that she will go the girl's restroom. I check the gym she is not there, The library she is not there. She might be in Girls restroom and I check the Girls restroom and one of the Girls restroom are locked.I guess that Y/n is there.I got the key and She was there. she was unconscious . I brought her to the clinic. Place her school bed and the school nurse check her and The nurse said to me "she just needs rest . Leave the clinic and went back to our clinic

Y/n's pov

I was awake and I saw Ellie. She with me and she said to me ''Y/n your awake?  do you need something? I said to her "nothing" Okay let's go back to our classroom

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