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Imagine you and Jimin are in an arranged marriage and He falls for you.

Y/n's Pov
My Mom, Dad said that " we are going to meet the Park's for dinner, they have a son the same age as me. My Mom added Park's Son is so handsome and talented, he loves playing video games like you. I and he will get along. I just nodded my head at my parents, went out my elder brother, older sister, younger brother and younger sister in the living room. I'm in the third eldest in our family.

I'm going to wear my floral dress, silver heels, my hair is curled and I put a light makeup on my face.
We are now heading to the restaurant but I'm not riding with my parents, I'm driving my own car.

Jimin's Pov
I was playing video games with my younger brother, Jihyun when my mom, dad knock the door of our room, she said " Jimin, Can you please open this door, I need to tell you something? I opened the door. My mom, Dad said that " we are going to have dinner with The Choi's, they have a daughter same age as you, she's pretty, talented, she loves video games as you. Me and her will going to be close and I smiled at my mom, dad and bow to them, I change into my blue shirt and pants and a blue coat, black shoes.
We are now heading to the restaurant where we are going to meet The Choi's.

Y/n's Pov
We have arrived in the restaurant. My mom and dad sat beside together, My oppa, unnie beside my younger brother, younger sister and I sat beside them and next to me is empty.

Jimin's Pov
We have arrived, I open the door of the restaurant, they all stand, Her mom and dad came to us and my mom, Her mom kissed on the cheek and my dad, her dad Did a hug and her parents introduced her to me, she said " Hi, Jimin I'm Choi Y/ n, I shook her hand and said " Hello Y/n, I'm Park Jimin. I sat beside her . my younger brother in middle with my
Mom and Dad.

Y/n's Pov
He sat beside me, He looks so really so handsome and he's definitely my type.

Jimin's Pov
She's so pretty, she looks like an angel and goddess, any guy would fall for her.

Y/n's Pov
I'm so shy to start a conversation with Him.

Jimin's Pov
I'm going to start A conversation with her, said " What your favorite video game, She said to me" I play a lot of video games.

Y/n's Pov
While I and Jimin were talking, I notice our parents were taking pictures of me and Jimin.

Jimin's Pov
Me and Her were about talking stuff and I notice that our parents were talking.
I heard my parents say that I'm going to have arranged marriage, I'm fine with it.

Y/n's Pov
I heard my mom and dad said that I'm going to have arranged a marriage with Jimin. I'm okay with it as it's Jimin.

Jimin's Pov
I want to more know Y/ n, now I'm going to ask her if I and she can go to the arcade.

Y/n's Pov
I'm so bored, He came to me, said " Hi Y/n, Can we go to an arcade. I said to him "Sure thing, I just need to tell it to my parents.

Jimin's Pov
I said to her " same here, I went to my mom and dad, said " Eomma and Appa, I need to go somewhere with Y/n! They said to me " okay take care, have fun with Y/n
I hugged them both, I kissed my brother on the forehead.

Y/n's Pov
I went to my parents, said " Eomma and appa, I need to go somewhere with Jimin! They said to me " okay and take care to have fun with Jimin. I said to them " I will Eomma, appa
I kissed my mom and dad on the cheek, I brofist my older brother, younger brother. I kissed my younger sister, older sister on the forehead.

Jimin's Pov
Me and Y/n went out of the restaurant, we went to the parking lot to get Y/n's car, She's going to drive the car, I put my seatbelt and she put her seatbelt. She drives to the nearest mall.

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