Chapter 1

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Love. You could say I'm fascinated with it. It's so powerful yet so delicate and it captivates all people. You could say I'm in love by definition. Honestly though my boyfriend, Joe Jonas, and I have never had that spark that I've always wanted. 

Chapter 1

I sighed as my boyfriend Joe Jonas positioned me for another "cute couple" picture.

 "Come on babe, just one more for Instagram." he smiled. 

"I'm tired, Joe." Ugh why didn't he get I hated this after almost two years of this shit? I hated all of it. 

"Okay, but tomorrow night we are going out to dinner right?" Joe looked at me pleadingly. 

"I don't know, I might have other plans." I lied. 

"But it's our 2 year anniversary babe!" 

"Oh right, of course." I grimaced inwardly at the thought that I had spent two years with this man. Joe was very controlling over me and my actions. I had barely even seen my best friend Selena in the past 5 months because Joe thought she was a "bad influence.". He was also very aggressive when he didn't get his way. Expecting we would have sex pretty early on, Joe had been outraged when I told him that I wanted to wait. Joe had screamed and even threatened to rape me, but eventually he had come to terms with my abstinence. 

Joe frowned at me, "Well if you're going to bed, then I'm heading over to one of the guys' places ok?"

 I sighed to myself in relief, "Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." He kissed me roughly, got up, and left. I wiped the saliva from my mouth in semi disgust. Joe wasn't the greatest kisser in the world, that was for sure. Just then a text rang in on my phone; it was from Selena.

*hey girl, I'm single and going clubbing tonight! You in?*

I immediately replied.

*sure! Joe is going to a friends place and they'll probably get wasted. So he won't be here to keep me from going x*

That night, I met up with Selena. 

"Hey Tay! What's up girl?? Haven't seen you in forever!" 

"Yeah, Joe's a bitch." I smirked. It was good to be out for once instead of cooped up in my house or hanging out with Joe's friends. "So you and the Biebs broke up?" 

"Yeah, it just wasn't working out with our schedules and everything, plus I'm kinda into one of my dancers." Selena shrugged. 

"Well, let's find us some hotties!" I yelled. 

"Aren't you and Joe having an anniversary sometime soon?" Selena laughed. 

"Who cares? Tonight we're single!" We walked in the club, absorbing the sounds, smells, and atmosphere of Hollywood's best. I walked up to the bar, "Just some champagne tonight." I smiled at the bartender. 

"Taylor! You'll never believe who's here!" Selena screamed excitedly. 

"There goes my eardrum, damn. Uh, who?" I said, holding my ear gingerly. 

"Taylor fucking Lautner! You should totally meet him!" Selena pulled me by the hand, closer to the tall, leather-clad guy. 

"Um I've met him before, you two were dating awhile ago right?" I was confused. 

"Yeah, we did but he's just a friend now. You guys, though, would look super cute!" 

"No I can't, Sel. I have a boyfriend remember?." I sighed. 

"At least meet him!" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine, whatever." Selena dragged me across the club to where Taylor was standing. 

"Hey Taylor! This is Taylor Swift, my best friend!" Selena yelled over the music. 


The other Taylor was incredibly sexy, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. He had gorgeous eyes, tan skin, and a smile that could melt the coldest heart. I was totally checking him out and hadn't even heard a word he said. 

"-ner, nice to meet you. Guess we're both Taylors." He smiled and I practically melted from his sheer gorgeousness. 

No, you're with Joe. Get it together Tay. "Yeah, so I have a boyfriend and I need to go, see ya!" Wow Taylor, way to play it cool. You basically just assumed he likes you and left. Great job, now you're stuck with Jonas! 

Then I got a text from Sel,

*Geez Tay. He was INTO YOU and you had to run off like usual. He's a good guy, better than Joe. You could do much worse.*

Oh and there goes Selena, making me feel better about blowing it. BUT I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Yeah, he's a major dick but I'd never cheat on him because I know how it feels. Plus my whole family loves him to pieces and wants me to marry him. My phone beeped again, this time an unknown number. Weird.

*hey this is Taylor L. Selena gave me your number.*

Oh god. He texted me.

*hi Taylor, sorry I ran out like that. its just that I haven't been out in awhile*

My phone beeped,

*No prob. Wanna hang out sometime this week? I'm in a break between filming*

Hanging out was good right? Just as friends, Tay, remember that!

*Sure...the bluebird cafe @11 on Wednesday work?*

 *yeah, sounds good. See ya there :)*

I threw my head back, grinning like a little kid. It was just a text, not a marriage proposal. You have a boyfriend and T is just a friend.  I sent off a text to Selena.

*Thanks for giving Lautner my #. We are meeting up this week :)*

*No prob, but he asked for it lol told you he was into you.*

I couldn't wait for Wednesday.

Love is a Ruthless Game (Taylor Squared)Where stories live. Discover now