Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Anger stewed through him the whole day. He'd had a chance to get Taylor back, and that buffoon had stolen her away from him. He needed to do something about this. But what?


The night was a blur. Taylor and I had spent hours just talking and laughing. It had truly been a wonderful end to such a terrible day. Like a gentleman, Taylor had insisted I take his room, and slept in the guest room. 

However, my nightmares and need for bandage changes had forced Taylor to sleep in the guest room king bed with me. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed having his muscular arms wrapped around my shaky frame.

When I woke up the next morning, the house felt colder. I realized Taylor was gone, and his powerful arms were no longer blanketing me.

 Shaking it off, I shivered downstairs to make some eggs. Taylor had been such a good host, he deserved to be shown some appreciation. The kitchen was quite spacious, with lots of counter space. I found the bowls and pans, and walked over to the fridge to locate eggs. 

About to open the fridge, I noticed a strange piece of paper stuck with a magnet. Hm, why would some random note be here? I took it down and scanned its contents.

Dear Taylor,

Don't worry about where I am. I can't do this anymore. You have so much history with Joe and I feel like you aren't done with him even after all he's done to you. I don't want to be a complication and I definitely don't want to be your rebound. I am so sorry , but I just can't. I know that I said I loved you, but I just didn't want you to kill yourself. I can't love a girl who obviously has a lot of issues.


What had I just read? Reality sank in as I dropped to the floor, tears dripping down my face. He never loved me. He pities me.

I knew I couldn't be alone so I headed off to my parents' home.

"Mom? Dad?" I sobbed as I opened the door to the place I'd grown up. 

My dad walked in, "Taylor? I thought you were with that young man?"

 I took a deep breath, "He left me. In the middle of the night, he left me. Without even a word of warning, he just left. He told me he loved me, but he lied." I couldn't believe how devastated I was. 

My dad was the one person I loved and trusted with everything. I knew he wouldn't scold me or say 'I told you so' like my mom. 

My dad narrowed his eyes, "Why would he leave you?" 

"I guess he just couldn't handle my crazy life and impossible baggage." 

He came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry honey." I wiped my teary eyes. The truth of everything was hammering in my brain. 

"This is just a mess, Dad, and I don't want to even hear what Mom will say." 

"We don't have to tell your mother about Taylor, we'll just say you're here to visit, okay?" I nodded and pressed my head into his chest, silently crying.


Taylor Lautner dashed back into his house, "Taylor? Are you here? I got some groceries!" He didn't hear a reply from his curly-haired love. 

Rushing upstairs, he called Taylor's name a few more times. There was no response. Now he was worried, "Taylor?! This isn't funny! Where are you??" He went back downstairs, frantically calling for Taylor and dialing her cell. 

To his dismay, Taylor's cellphone was on the counter along with a piece of .. paper? He grabbed it, reading the note that was supposedly from him. 

Taylor put his head in his hands, someone had broken in the house and put a note here that was full of lies. So then where had Taylor gone? Who wrote this letter breaking up with the woman he loved?! Taylor slumped back, tears dripping down his tan face.

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