Chapter 28

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Taylor loved her so much, and they were young but he knew what he wanted. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman who waited an entire month for him to wake up, who had endured so much just to be with him.

Sure, he'd been stabbed by her crazy ass ex, but come on, she'd been with that guy for 2 years

But Joe had fucking proposed before Taylor Lautner could.

He wanted to have been the first to try to put a ring on it. Now again, Joe had been there first. But, he shook off thoughts of the one guy who could've actually killed him.

He limped over to Taylor's kitchen counter, when a dagger of pain shot through his chest. He fell to the ground, groaning in pure agony.

"Oh my god, babe! Are you all right?"

He slowly rolled around, and sat up with some difficulty. Check that, a lot of difficulty. Obviously, Taylor wasn't exactly 100 percent yet. "No. These fucking chest pains started back up again. I'm basically a crippled old man."

Taylor laughed slightly before making her serious face, "Babe, come on now. Obviously, you're not old at all, since you're my sexy, buff man."

He laughed and then winced, "See? Even laughing hurts."

Taylor sat down next to him, "Do you know how sexy you are when you laugh?"

He pulled her into a hungry kiss, which turned into a full-on make out session.

She broke away, "I'm just not ready for anything beyond kissing. I'm sorry, Taylor."

His heart fell in disappointment, "It's okay, babe. I know it's important to you to wait. I want to honor your decisions because I'm madly in love with you. Plus, I'm not exactly all healed up anyways."

She smiled and kissed him again. "One day, I promise you'll be the one who gets this gift."

Taylor started laughing at her, "Babe, way to be cheesy!"

She glared at him, "You better be happy Lautie. This isn't going to just anyone. Just you, you little turd."

"Whoa never call me Lautie again."

She smirked, "Ok......Lautie."

He tossed a pillow at her before pulling her in for another kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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