Chapter 29

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One year later

Everything had to be absolutely perfect.

Taylor needed it to be.

He wanted Taylor to remember this night, their one year anniversary, as one of the most memorable of her life.

He knew it would be for him.


Two months before 

Taylor and I had been together for the most amazing eight months of my life. He was perfect. The perfect boyfriend, best friend, and passionate lover, that I had always wanted wrapped in one amazing man.

I loved him so much.

Little did I know of the huge curveball that life was about to throw.

My agent Scott had booked me a small part in a movie with leading actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake was insanely hot and incredible at his job.

"Hey, Swift." He said with a wink.

"Jake, um, hi."

"Wanna grab some coffee?"

What was the harm in grabbing some coffee with a coworker? It's not like the guy was a threat to Taylor or anything.


"Great! See ya soon Swifty."

Even that corny nickname sounded cute from Jake's handsome lips. 

God, shake it off Tay! You are in fucking love with a damn great guy who loves you just as much if not more! Grow up!

I decided to show up to my coffee "date" with Jake. I knew it was stupid and foolish but he seemed a lot like Joe. I missed the way I loved Joe. I wanted something like that, and Taylor was amazing but was he really the one?

It was a mistake.

A stupid dumb ass mistake.

I had been hanging out and talking with Jake for two weeks now, and had failed to mention that I was in a committed relationship with another man.

I must really like this guy.

"Jake! hey!"

"Hey, babe." For the first time ever, Jake kissed me on the lips.

I had officially cheated on Taylor.

And I didn't feel bad at all when I kissed Jake back.

I didn't feel bad until a month and 3 weeks later when I had sex with Jake.


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