Chapter 3

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 It was clearly the voice of Joe on the other line. This creep really has the nerve to call me?! 

"Taylor? Are you there? Where are you?!" 

"I don't want to talk to you Joe! And I sure as hell don't want to see you at my house when I get back or I'll call the cops!" I hung up, not bothering to listen to Joe's protests. 

Taylor came in, "Are you okay? I heard you yelling." Concern was written all over his face. 

"I'm fine, Joe was on the phone. Either he's a really good liar and a psychopath or he really doesn't remember what he tried to do."

 Taylor looked really mad, "I still can't believe it. Why he would do that and mess up a relationship with the perfect girl? Doesn't make sense."

I blushed, "You really think I'm perfect?" 

He looked surprised, "Of course! Honestly, when I heard you had a boyfriend I was crushed." He blushed nervously as he ran his hand over his hair. 

"Well, you don't have to worry about him anymore, I'm going to go over there and break up with him." I was determined yet scared. I'd known and been with Joe for a long time and even though he was a rotten douchebag; he was a favorite of my family. 

"I'll go with you. I don't want you going alone to talk with him." Taylor looked at me with those eyes, and I melted in a puddle of tears in the realization of what was happening. My boyfriend of 2 years today had tried to rape me and my best friend's ex from a few years ago was comforting me after I fell asleep in his arms at his house. Talk about messed up. What had my life even become? Those were questions that I couldn't answer.

It was a tense drive up to my house. Taylor now looked quite nervous; I don't think he had ever confronted a girl's abusive boyfriend before. Ah, firsts for everyone. We got out of my red Maserati and walked up to the door. I unlocked it and stepped inside, the memories of last night hitting me with a wave of misery. 

Joe jumped up from the couch, he had obviously ignored my threat.  "Taylor! I've been so worried babe, where have you been?! I called and texted so many times!" He looked genuinely relieved to see me, which made me even more angry. 

"You have no right to say any of this to me. You lost the right to know about what I do or where I go after what you tried to do last night." 

Joe looked confused, "What are you talking about? What happened last night?" I stormed past him inside with Taylor following suit. "Who is this guy anyway and why is he here?!" Joe looked a little ticked off. 

I whirled around, "You tried to make me have sex with you last night, and in case you weren't aware, that's attempted rape!" 

Joe looked horrified, "No, no, no, no. No, i couldn't have, no." Joe looked on the verge of hysterics. 

Taylor spoke up, "Listen up, you piece of shit. You aren't even a man. No man tries to hurt a woman!" He then gestured to the large purple bruise on my cheek, "You see this?! You did this because she didn't want to have sex with you." 

Joe looked stunned, "Taylor? Is this true? Did I really do that?!" 

I gulped, "Yes, and I can never forgive you, Joe. If it isn't obvious, we are completely done. Don't speak to me again." I strode out of the house, beckoning Taylor to follow me out.

 Taylor stayed a moment longer just to punch Joe in the face and then hurried after me. 

"Let's go back to your house." I said, now crying with anger and relief. Taylor nodded breathlessly as he put his arm around me in a comforting way. 

The ride back to Taylor's home was silent, except for my quiet hiccups from crying. "You know, it was our two year anniversary today." I said softly. 

"I'm sorry, even though he's an asshole, you still loved him once." Taylor said sympathetically. 

"Not anymore. Anyone who truly loved me would never try to do such a despicable thing to me." I said angrily. 

"You deserve the best from the most amazing man, and one day I'm sure that you'll have that, Taylor." He said determinedly. 

I smiled weakly, "Maybe, but I wish that day would come faster."

Little did I know how soon that day would actually be.

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