Chapter 13

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"Sorry Sel, but I need to go talk with Taylor. I messed up and I need to fix it." I ran out the door not bothering to listen to her response.


"Taylor? We need to talk about what happened, you don't know the whole story!" 

He looked up at me, laughing. "You ripped my heart out when you kissed him. After all I did for you, comforting you, letting you stay at my fucking house, driving you around, punching your ex in the face. You just kissed him." 

Tears formed around my eyes, "Tay-" 

He cut me off, "Save it and leave me alone." 

"I can't do that. I love you, and I thought you wrote that note; it broke my heart. I went to Joe's because I thought he threatened you or something. I kissed him because I missed you." 

He laughed, "Come on Tay, we both know that's a lie. You kissed him because you still have feelings for Joe. Well I'm not going to be in the way for your newfound love. I'll leave and you can be happy, that's what I want for you. I want you to be happy; even if it means that I'm miserable. So go and be with your boyfriend, I won't be in the way anymore." 

The tears fell harder and I fell to the ground, "Is this it then? Are we done?" 

He looked at me coldly, "Was there ever a we? Or was I just a rebound?" 


He held up his hand, "No, I always get hurt and I'm done with that. Nice guys never win so I'm done being nice. Maybe if I act like a jerk or try to rape you then you'll love me the way I love you." 

So he did love me.

"Taylor, I love you, and yes, I have feelings for Joe, but I love you more. I promise that I do!" He just sat there, uncaring and cruel. "Fine then, if this is what you want. I'll go back to Joe and we can pretend like we never met." 

He looked at me, "Good. Don't talk to me again."


I sat in my bed, bawling my eyes out. How could he be so cruel? So harsh? Maybe being with Joe was the best thing to do. 

However, a small part of me yearned to be with Taylor; to kiss him, cuddle with him, tease him. I already missed him. God, how could my life have changed so drastically in so little time?

Love is a Ruthless Game (Taylor Squared)Where stories live. Discover now