Chapter 24

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I left Taylor's room, heavy-hearted. How could he not remember the love we shared? Everything that had happened to bring us to that perfect moment just a month ago? At least he didn't remember that I'd shattered his heart so many months ago.

I didn't know what to do.

"Miss Swift? We have decided to keep Mr. Lautner here a few more days of observation. You need to go home and rest now, we'll call you."

I wiped tears away and gathered up my stuff. "Okay, thank you for taking care of him."

"Of course."

I quickly exited to the lonely parking lot.

I arrived back at my own house, a house I hadn't really been in for a very long time.

"So, finally back, I see."

What the actual fuck?

"Mom? What the hell!"

My mother was standing in my kitchen, in front of the sink, doing the dishes.

She scared the living shit out of me by doing dishes.

"Mom, please at least text me next time you come over, and how did you even know where I live?" I had stormed out five months ago because of that damn note. I hadn't called or texted her for that long, I hadn't even been in contact with my dad!

"Your father asked Scott where you were, and when he refused to say we kinda gave up. We thought you'd come around. Finally, a month ago, Scott told us about what happened to Taylor so that we'd keep an eye out for Joe. I've been coming over everyday to keep it clean and make sure it's safe." My mother was lying straight through her teeth.

"So, what really happened is Joe called you, asked for your help, and you let him live here, even though he beat the shit out of the man I love just because I rejected Joe's proposal. Wow. Thanks Mom, for your support." I glared at my mother.

Andrea Swift was stunned to say the least.

"I can't even call you my mother anymore. You've taken Joe's side in all of this, he's a criminal, for God's sake! He assaulted my boyfriend and almost killed him! How can you even still help him?" I was incredulous.

"You wouldn't understand. Joe is like my own child, and I'm not giving up on planning a wedding yet!"

"You're fucking deranged. Get the hell out of my house. Never come back or I'll call the police." The woman shuffled out as I glared at her back. After she was gone, I sank into the couch crying.

My boyfriend had almost been killed by my crazy ex, he couldn't remember me, and now my mother was helping said crazy ex. I had kicked my own mother out of my life.

All because of love.



shoutout to Taylorscissors for being super cool!

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