Chapter 31

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Everything needed to be absolutely perfect.

Taylor wanted this to be one of the best days they would ever live.

He called his girlfriend but she didn't pick up. So he called Selena, "Hey, Selena, could you make sure Taylor is at her house at 5? I'm taking her to a really nice restaurant for our six month anniversary but it's a surprise."

"Sure! Aw that's so adorable! Wait, are you gonna pop the question?!"

He grinned, "Yeah, I've been planning it for a month."

"OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING! If Austin ever proposes, I hope it's as sweet as yours."

"Well, can you make sure she's really dressed up? I had to make the reservation a month in advance."

She aww'ed, "Of course! Anything for two of my best friends! I hope she says yes!"

"Thanks Selena. Bye!"

"Good luck Taylor!"

I hung up and smiled. Selena was such a good friend to Tay and had really changed since when we were dating. Austin Swift had changed her for the better. I hurried to my closet to grab my best tux.


Selena's phone rang and she excused herself. It was probably my brother,  Austin, they had been going strong for 10 months and their 11 month was coming up. I expected an engagement soon.

I heard her shrieks of excitement and rolled my eyes. It was definitely Austin.

A little bit later, she came back hiding a huge smile.

"Was it Austin?"

"Nope, it was Taylor. He said dress up really fancy and be ready by 5!"

I could barely contain my excitement, Taylor was amazing! "Well I better start getting ready, it's 3:00 already!"

"I'll help you!"

We snatched up makeup and hair products and got to work.

At 4:45 my look was complete. My hair was straightened how Taylor liked it, my red dress fabulous, and my makeup flawless. Everything was perfect.


As Taylor walked up to the front door, his heart beat fast and his hands started sweating. This night would determine their future together. He looked pretty fly, wearing a black tux with a little red rose on the lapel. He was ready for this.

He knocked.

When Taylor opened the door, Lautner's jaw dropped. She looked amazing, no, flawless. Even more than usual.

He smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her, "You look absolutely gorgeous, Taybear."

She took his hand and kissed him again, "Thanks, you don't look too shabby yourself."

"Shall we, Miss Swift?"

"Of course, Mr. Lautner."



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