Chapter 33

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I was crying tears of joy and excitement when Taylor bent down on one knee with that ring.

"Yes! A million times yes!!"

He jumped up and our lips touched for the first time as fiancés. The intense moment was broken by Taylor remembering the ring and placing it on my third finger of my left hand.

We kissed again, an intense moment of love and experiences shared.

"So shall we order dessert?"

I laughed, "Sure......fiancé."

"I like that."

The waiter came over, "Can I get you two some dessert?"

Taylor cleared his throat, "Yes I'll have your most popular dessert and my fiancé would like some vanilla ice cream."

I smiled at him. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"It's because I love you."

"I can't wait to marry you."

He took my hand, his intense brown-eyed gaze penetrating my very soul. "Why don't we just get married then? We can elope, forget the big stressful wedding and start our lives together."

I considered this. It was romantic, and wouldn't cause the stress of planning a huge wedding. Plus we could be married sooner rather than after months of planning. It wasn't like the reason I wanted to elope was because of sex. Taylor and I hadn't made it past two months before doing it.

"I want that. Let's elope!"


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