Chapter 4

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So it's 3am here and I can't sleep. Therefore you shall have, 

Chapter 4

The drive back to Taylor's house was almost as tense as the ride to mine. Neither of us spoke a word the whole trip. Finally we arrived and I hopped out, so relieved to be somewhere safe. 

"Taylor, we need to talk." He looked at me seriously. 

"About what? You've seen everything, there isn't anything else to say." I lied. 

"You and I both know that isn't true. You haven't told me everything about how Joe treated you. If he abused you, then you can tell me." 

I snapped back without thinking, "Why would I tell a stranger something that isn't even true?! It's none of your business, Lautner!" 

Taylor looked wounded, "If that's how you feel then I'll leave you alone. I was just trying to help." His eyes were full of hurt. I immediately regretted my rash words.

 "That isn't what I meant Tay-" 

He interrupted without even listening to my budding apology, "Maybe it's best if you stay with Selena tonight." He said briskly. 

"But Taylor, I didn't mean it...." I trailed off. 

"Look Taylor, you're under a lot of stress, and it would probably be best if you stayed with someone who isn't a virtual stranger. I'll be upstairs: give me a shout if you need a ride over to Selena's."

 I somehow withheld my tears until he was safely upstairs so I could tear up in private over the apparent loss of a man I wished I could be with. I texted Sel,

*Stayed at Taylor's last night but we got in fight over Joe today. Can I stay with you until things cool down? I'm at Taylor's right now.*

Selena's response was immediate,


Ah typical Sel; always the one to overreact,but in the best way. As for me? I just ruined things with the sweetest guy I had ever met with my constant defense of a man who wasn't even a man.

 I waited just a few moments in the driveway before Selena arrived, "Thank God that you're okay! Joe texted me asking where you were about an hour ago, so I was worried sick!" Selena looked relieved.  

"Can I stay with you for awhile?" I asked tiredly. 

"Of course. I can't believe I wasn't here for you before. Forgive me?" She said pleadingly. 

"How could I stay mad at my BFF?" I grinned at her as we eased into the car. I looked back at the receding house with a twinge of regret, would I ever see him again?


Sorry it was just kind of a filler :) x Thanks for reading!

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