Chapter 6

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"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad."

The concerned and careworn faces of my parents stared back at me from over the doorstep. 

"Well? Are you going to leave us outside all day?" My dad grumbled. 

"Oh yeah, sorry, come on in." I stepped aside as my parents walked into Selena's house. "What are you guys doing here? It's the middle of the day." I looked at my mom and dad. Somehow I knew they were here about the unfortunate events of Joe and I's breakup. 

"Joe told us you broke up with him and you were staying with a strange boy!." My mother blurted out. 

"We came to Selena's first because we knew you weren't likely to be with some stranger." My dad added. 

"Is it true? Did you break up with Joe? Why?! You two were so perfect!" My mother was distraught. 

I could feel the headache coming back, "Mom! Dad! Please just stop hammering me! It's true, I broke up with Joe. Last night, I needed a place to stay but no one was picking up. So I called an acquaintance I knew would be available and stayed at his place. Please stop freaking out!" 

That quieted them for a few moments before my mom spoke up, "Why did you break up with him? Was it because of this guy? You've been together two years, do you really want to throw that away? What did Joe do to deserve this? He said your new friend beat him up! Wh-" 

I cut her off impatiently, "Mom! Please let me explain." I said exasperatedly. Of course Joe had run straight to his biggest advocates, my parents. 

"This better be good." My mom huffed. I took a deep breath, 

"Mom, Dad, Joe is not at all who you think he is. For two years, he has pressured me to have sex with him though I have told him that I want to wait until marriage." At this point the tears started streaming freely, escaping my best efforts to conceal them. "Every day he calls me vile things and has threatened me numerous times with rape and physical violence. Two nights ago, he went out to one of his friend's, so I went to the club with Selena. Joe hasn't allowed me to see her in five months because she's a 'bad influence'. While we were there, we ran into one of Selena's friends, a guy named Taylor Lautner. I was going to hang out with him on Wednesday as friends. When I got home, I thought that someone broke in because the house was trashed, drugs and booze were laying around everywhere. When I had checked everywhere, I went up to my bedroom where I found Joe lying on my bed shirtless. He said a few vile things and then insisted that I sleep with him. When I said no, he became violent and tried to force me to. Luckily, I was able to get away and into my car. I called everyone but no one picked up so I decided to call Taylor, and he said I could stay with him. Yesterday, he came with me to kick Joe out of my house. Joe was being, well, an asshole so Taylor punched him. He was defending me, that's all. Nothing happened between us, I swear." I was sobbing as I relayed my horrific experience to the two people that were always supposed to be on my team. 

My parents looked amazed and angry at this revelation. My dad, still reeling in shock, "We came here to convince you to go back to Joe, but I don't know if I can do that with a clear conscience." 

My mom however, had no kind words for me, "Come on, Taylor, really! He was drunk, he didn't mean to! You though, you meant to flirt with this other boy. You cheated on Joe; he's like a son to me. You're a disgrace!" 

My father snorted, "God, Andrea, listen to yourself. You care more about our daughter's ex boyfriend than you do about her safety! Joe committed a crime and you're defending him, ridiculous!" 

My mother gave a derisive little laugh. "It's not as if she can prove he did anything. Joe would never rape the woman he was going to propose to the very next day! He has never lied to me, and you are always lying." My mother stood up and left after tossing the hurtful words at me. 

"She'll get over it eventually. She's just miffed that you won't be marrying Joe. She's been planning the engagement dinner all week." My dad said. 

"I can't believe that she would believe Joe over her own daughter." I said unhappily. 

"I know. I'll try to get through to her. Will you be okay staying here, then?" My dad asked. 

"Of course Dad. I love you." I hugged him and walked him to the door. 

"I love you too, Taybear. I'll see you soon." I closed the door and walked over to the kitchen to make tea, when a teasing voice startled me. 

"Taybear? Aw that's so cute!" I twirled around at the voice of none other than Taylor Lautner himself. 



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