Chapter 11

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30 minutes before

I arrived at Joe's, pissed at him beyond belief. "Joe Adam Jonas!! Where the hell are you?!" I stormed into his bedroom, where he lounged shirtless. 

I had forgotten how hot he was. 

God, Taylor, snap out of it. He may be attractive, but he also almost raped you. 

 I shook my head to rid my thoughts of Joe's chest. "Taylor broke up with me through a letter this morning, and I think you had something to do with it." 

He laughed infuriatingly, "I swear I had nothing to do with your new boy toy leaving. The poor chump was probably just tired of dealing with your shit all the time." 

I folded my arms over my chest, "Well, you put up with my so-called shit for two years without sex, so who's the real chump here?" 

He stood up quickly, fists clenched, but relaxed his fingers when he saw how frightened I was. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I swear, I didn't mean to ever hurt you. I love you and I want to be with you." He looked at me, hazel eyes full of regret. 

Without thinking, I tentatively took his face in my hands. Our lips met with the sparks that our relationship had always lacked. Lips locked in a passionate kiss with my ex-boyfriend, I didn't hear the door open.

Then I heard Taylor's voice and my heart dropped. "Taylor, I promise you that this isn't what it looks like." 

Taylor's eyes were stormy and his voice cold as he looked at Joe and I. "I have to say I didn't expect this. Good luck, Taylor, and don't call me the next time this asshole attacks you." He stormed away. 

My heart sank deeper into my toes. I knew that Taylor was right, but I was trapped in Joe's arms. But for some reason, his familiar scent no longer turned my stomach. I felt comfortable.

 Taylor turned back, "Oh, by the way, your mom wrote the letter. I didn't. Honestly, I'd think you'd believe better about me than a crudely written note, especially considering that I told you I loved you." 

With that Taylor was gone, out of my life for good. I sank into Joe's couch, relaxing into his lean arms. 

"It's okay, baby. I'm here for you, okay? I will never hurt you again." 

To my surprise, I believed him. I knew when Joe was lying and right now he wasn't. Even with this assurance, a part of me left with Taylor. I still believed he was the love I had been waiting for. But my newly discovered attraction to Joe was conflicting me. What in the world was I supposed to do?


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