Chapter 5

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I awoke in my best friend's house that morning with a throbbing headache. 

No, I wasn't hungover. I was dizzy and hurt from the events of the night before. Not only had I lost my boyfriend of two years, but Taylor too. 

Selena came in at that moment, interrupting my thoughts, "Are you okay, Tay?" She tried to veil her worry. 

"I don't know. Joe and I were together for so long and it feels so strange to be completely done with him. Plus Taylor and I had a fight and I thought I could have something with him even if it sounds crazy." Tears welled into my already swollen red eyes. 

Selena wrapped me in a signature warm hug, "Tay, I'm always here for you. Trust me, Taylor is a good guy and if it's meant to be. it's meant to be. You should focus on yourself for awhile, you can't just rush into something with another man after the hurt and baggage you're carrying from your relationship with Joe." It was the best advice Selena had ever given me, and I was surprised at the wisdom of her words. 

"I know that you're right but I can feel a connection with Taylor that I have never felt with anyone." I tried to clear my eyes of tears but it was no use, they just kept coming. 

"I know it seems like he's gone but Taylor will come back, we had numerous fights but he didn't give up on us." She smiled at me. 

"Um, Sel, you two have been broken up for years." I said quizzically. 

Selena laughed, "I know. It was a mutual, friendly split. We grew apart, he had a crush on you and I wanted to date Justin." A shadow crossed her face at mentioning her now ex-boyfriend. It made me wonder what had really happened between the two. I shook it off; when Selena wanted to tell me, she would. 

"So he liked me back then?" I asked, rather surprised at the information. 

"I encouraged him to go after you back then, but he doubted himself. Plus you were spoken for, unofficially, by You-Know-Who." 

I grimaced, Joe and I had flirted and talked for six months before we officially began going steady. I was surprised by this news though, Selena and Taylor had broken up at least two years ago. 

"Yeah he's liked you for a long time but he's pretty shy. The only way I could get him out of his shell was to shove you into him. He's not going to give up so easily after all this, Tay." Selena said earnestly. 

I opened my mouth to reply, but the doorbell beat me to the punch.

 "Hold that thought, I'll be right back." Selena sprang over to the door. I pulled out my phone to check for texts from Taylor. Unfortunately, there were none. 

"Hey, Taylor! It's for you!" Selena called out.

  Could it be Taylor? I thought hopefully.  I eagerly hurried to the door to find the person I least expected.

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