Chapter 16

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There was one thing I never wanted to be told.

I never wanted to hear those words from the man I had loved and missed for the past 4 months.

I have a girlfriend now.

How could this have even happened?!

Because you blew it, that's why. Kissing Joe messed it all up, and we aren't even dating yet.

"Oh. That's, um, great, Taylor. I'm happy for you."

 He ran his fingers through his hair, which had grown out a little. "Yeah, I just met her a few weeks ago. Her name is Lily, and she's really nice. I think you'll like her."

 I raised my eyebrows, "You really think it's a good idea for your girlfriend to meet your ex?" 

He looked at me strangely, "We were never official, plus it's been four months. Can't we be friendly enough for me to introduce my girlfriend to you?" 

I could feel the tears welling up but I forced them down coldly. I had cried enough over this man. "I don't want to meet her. I'm jealous that she has you because I never stopped thinking about you these past months. Just because you moved on doesn't mean I did, Taylor." 

He looked away, "Taylor, I have a girlfriend now. I really like her and finally I'm forgetting about how you ripped my heart to shreds that night. Lily is healing me from the pain that you caused. I want you to be part of my life as a friend though. Can we be friends?" 

I shook my head. "We can never be just friends, Taylor. I will always have to hide how I really feel about you, and that's not fair to Lily or to whoever you date. Sorry Taylor, but this is goodbye." Tears filled my eyes and his. "I'm truly sorry, but the way I feel isn't going to change. I thought it would after this long but it hasn't." 

He looked over at me, "I wish things could've been different. Maybe farther down the road we can be friends again?" 

I laughed shortly. "We will never be "just friends," Taylor." 

His tears were genuine as I ripped his heart out yet again. I turned away, "Goodbye, Taylor." 

With that, I left, not looking back at the boy who I loved with all my heart. I wanted him to be happy and if staying out of his life meant that he would be, then that is what I would do. 

Joe loved me, and though I didn't fully love him back, he would take care of me.


So that was it then. 

He and Taylor were done. 


"Hell no." Taylor muttered to himself. He wasn't about to lose her again! 

There were a million other girls like Lily Collins, there was only one Taylor Alison Swift. 

Taylor ran as fast as he could after her. "Taylor!"


"Taylor!" I whirled around, hearing my name from his beautiful lips.

There he was running towards me."I'm not losing you again, Taylor! Not now, not ever. I love you." 

And there in the pouring rain, his lips met mine in a crash of sparks, moving together like nothing I'd ever known. 


This was love.



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