Chapter 2

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A/N: Taylor and Joe do not live together, just to clarify.

WARNING: This chapter contains mature themes of abuse and rape. If you don't feel comfortable reading about that, then please continue on to chapter 3.

Chapter 2

I blushed all the way home thinking of Taylor, he just had the cutest smile! 

I had this amazing feeling about him and I couldn't explain it. I skipped up my walkway with a broad smile on my face, but when I went to turn the knob, my door was already unlocked. I crept inside, fearing the worst.

 "Oh my god, what happened?!" I looked at my trashed kitchen. 

Beer bottles, clothes, broken glass, and a few blunts were strewn about the floor of my previously pristine kitchen. Snatching up a baseball bat, I snuck around my house looking for more signs of an intruder. I tiptoed up to my bedroom where to my horror, Joe lay shirtless on the bed. 

"Ugh, what is that awful smell and Joe, what the hell are you doing here?!" 

Joe snickered, "I thought you'd be happy to see me babe." His voice slurred, "I came to surprise youuu. Come over here, I'm horny, babe." I gulped, Joe was incredibly drunk. 

"I'm good, I'm gonna go sleep in the guest room." I backed away slowly. 

"Oh no you're not!" He lunged up off the bed and with surprising speed, grabbed me by the waist, and threw me on the bed forcefully. 

I tried to get up, but he just pushed me back down and straddled my waist. Joe was quite a bit heavier than I, and his full weight now was pressed down onto me. I wriggled to try and escape, but my efforts were in vain. His erection rubbed up against my thigh as he began to grind on me. His lips clumsily mashed against mine in the most uncomfortable kiss I'd ever had. He'd never acted like this before and it scared me more than his yelling ever had. 

"Come on bitch, kiss me back!" He slapped my cheek hard and resumed "kissing" me.

 "Joe! You're hurting me!" I managed to pull myself away from his beer-scented mouth to speak. He sat up abruptly after that but I realized it was only to take off his pants. Terrified though I was, I couldn't have my virginity taken by a abusive man like Joe, so I kneed him in the crotch while he was concentrating on unzipping his jeans, rolled off the bed, and sprinted downstairs. 

"Get back here you worthless whore!" Joe groaned as he writhed in pain on the floor. Fearing he would chase after me, I snatched my keys and sprinted to the car I had only just vacated. 

With my hands shaking, I tremblingly called Selena. "Ugh, ugh pick up!" Brrrring, Brrring, Brrrring, Brrrring, Brrrring. Impatiently, I hung up and stared at my phone hopelessly. I couldn't call my parents; they believed that Joe could do no wrong. I scrolled through recent contacts, calling Scott, Grant, Amos, Katy, Demi, even Miley, all with no luck. Desperately, I hit Taylor Lautner's number in a last ditch effort before going to a hotel. 

Brring Brring, "Hello? This is Lautner speaking." 

"Taylor? This is Taylor, I really need a place to crash tonight, I've called everyone else and everyone is out. I don't have anywhere else to go." A slight sob accidentally slipped out. 

"Are you crying?! Of course you can stay at my house! I'll text you the address." 

"Thanks Taylor, I owe you." I hung up the phone crying in relief. My phone pinged, alerting me to the arrival of Taylor's text. I glanced at it quickly and recognized the street address as one that was around a half hour away, well out of the area that Joe frequented. 

Perfect, just far enough away from that asshole I call my boyfriend. Well more like soon to be ex-boyfriend. Joe had tried to sexually assault me and I would not be comfortable even talking to him ever again.

I arrived at Taylor's house, walked slowly to the front door, and hesitantly knocked. He opened the door almost at once.

 "Please come in. Do you have any bags that you want me to get?" He asked gently. I shook my head and stepped in to his warm, inviting home. He gestured to his living room, "Make yourself at home. Would you like some tea? I have chamomile, mint, and Earl Grey."

 I almost laughed, those were my three favorites. "Chamomile is fine, thanks." 

He smiled sympathetically and strode off towards the kitchen. I took that time to gaze around appreciatively. His living room had a modern yet cozy condo feel to it. Five minutes later, Taylor reappeared with two steaming mugs. Offering one to me, he sat down and looked at me with compassion.

 "Are you ok, Swift?"

 "No." I started crying again. 

"What happened?" His beautiful eyes were full of loving concern. 

"My boyfriend, Joe, got home drunk and tried to rape me. I knew that he wanted to have sex but I thought that he would respect my choice to wait till marriage." I said shakily. I decided not to mention that he had physically harmed me. 

However, my omission didn't fool Taylor, "What about that huge bruise on your cheek?" 

I looked down in shame but whispered, "He hit me." 

Taylor looked furious. "I will kill him! No real man would ever hit a woman!" Taylor said angrily. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend? I thought since Selena gave me your number..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"Yeah.. I know. I was going to break up with him the next time I saw him, but then this happened and I don't want to see his face ever again!" I was angry now; angry that I hadn't broken up with Joe before. 

"You need to talk to the police, Tay. That jerk tried to rape you and he hit you!" Taylor looked like he wanted to kill Joe. 

"I know but my family loves him and its his word against mine." I put my head in my hands. 

Taylor wrapped me in his arms, "Tay, you have to. I'll help you and I won't leave you alone." 

"Thanks, that means a lot." I smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder. We rested like that until we fell asleep.


I was woken from my dreamless sleep by the ring of my phone and the smell of bacon cooking. Now surrounded by unfamiliar walls, apparently Taylor had moved me to one of the bedrooms in my sleep. Those muscles though. I inwardly smirked. I then groggily picked up my phone, "Hello?" 

"Taylor, where the fuck are you? I've been calling and calling!"


So even though there is probably no hope for T Squared in real life, they can still live on in this fanfiction haha

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