Chapter 19

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My heart was heavy as I went to meet Joe. He had stood by my side for the past four months during my heartbreak, loss, and withdrawal. He had been there for me and now I was about to break his heart.

"Hey, Joe."

"Taylor! Hi." Joe looked more nervous than usual.

"Are you okay? You look kind of pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's order."

Tears were about to stream out as I took my next breath, "Joe, we need to talk about 'us'." 

He smiled nervously, "Yeah we do. Oh, look the waiter is here." 

The waiter smiled at both of us and took his pad, "What can I get for you lovebirds?" 

I was about to interject that we weren't a couple when Joe ordered for us.

"We'll have two mocha lattes and two iced chocolate donuts." Inwardly, I frowned. Joe looked at me, "Taylor, I tried writing what I was going to say to you on paper but I couldn't get the words right. So I decided just to go with what I thought of on the way over. I love you. I love everything about you, the way you talk, the way you sing, the little things you do. I love your curly hair, your smile, the way you make me laugh, just everything. I can't imagine life without you. I don't want to spend another minute without you there. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me?"




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