Chapter 26

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Lautner remembered everything.

Meeting Taylor.

Punching Joe in the face for Taylor.

Letting Taylor crash at his place.

His heart ripped out of his chest because of Taylor.

Trying to forget Taylor for four agonizing months.

Remembering the feeling of pure joy, love, and ecstasy when they finally touched lips.

Loving everything about Taylor Alison Swift, who brought him joy, anger, frustration, and love.

Taylor Lautner was in love with the most beautiful, frustrating, amazing woman in the entire world.

And he remembered all of it.


Of course that creep had been staying in MY house of all places. If I saw him, I'd probably go crazy on him! "Joe! I fucking know you're in my house so get the hell out here or I'm calling the cops! Check that, I'm calling them anyway so just come out!"

Joe smirked as he walked callously into the open. "What are you gonna do, Swift? You're too much of a coward to call the cops."

He was completely right. I was too much of a coward. 

No, shake it off. He's just messing with you, he knows you too well. God I'm stupid to have let him get so close to me.

"Well then, are you or not?"

I lowered my head in mock defeat as sirens wailed closer and closer to my LA mansion. "Guess I fooled you this time around."

"Well played Swift. Well played."


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