Chapter 12

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I was confused beyond belief, my heart wanted two things and my head wasn't even in on the equation. So I did what I usually do in a crisis, I called Selena.

 "Hey, Sel, I need you to come over. I have a boy issue!" 

Selena yawned, "You do realize it's 2 in the fucking morning, right?"

 I gulped, "I didn't. Please?"

She grumbled under her breath, "The things I do for you. Okay, I'll be there in 10." 

"Thanks, Sel!"


When Selena finally got there 45 minutes later, I was dead tired. "I thought you said 10 minutes?" 

She laughed, "You should expect my lateness by now, Tay." She had a point, Selena was always late. 

"So what's going on with Taylor?" 

My cheeks burned from shame, "I think Taylor and I are over, and somehow I'm back together with Joe." 

"What? Why? How?" Selena was furious. 

"I know that he did some bad things, but I love him, Sel. He's back to being that guy that I fell in love with! And as for Taylor, I thought I loved him, but I barely know the guy and I don't know, maybe I just liked him because he helped me out." 

Selena still looked rather angry, "How did this happen? Joe almost raped you, Taylor, you can't just make excuses for that."

I looked down, still a bit ashamed. "I-I kissed Joe when I came over and then Taylor walked in. He left, and I don't know, he probably didn't even like me that much. Joe and I have been through so much, I feel like I need to give him a second chance." 

"That is the stupidest thing you've ever said to me, Taylor." Selena looked at me, pity in her narrowed brown eyes.

"I don't know what to say, Sel. I think I love both of them." I looked down at my Keds. "I don't know what to do." 

"How about you don't go back to the guy who almost raped you?" Selena said incredulously, "Wait, why did you and Taylor get in a fight anyways?" 

"He wrote this note breaking up with me..." I trailed off, horrified with the decision I had almost made. Taylor said he hadn't written the note. That was the whole reason I went to Joe's. The whole reason I had even kissed him!

 I had royally fucked up with the guy who truly cared about me.

"I made a huge mistake, Sel."


He slumped in his chair, heartbroken again. The nice guy never wins. Always the protector, never the beneficiary. He had loved her and he had just met her a few days ago. 

He grabbed his strongest liquor and started to down the bottle. 

He was dead drunk when he heard her voice. 

It was Taylor Swift.

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