Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I couldn't believe Taylor had come back! I looked suspiciously at him. "I can't believe you're here! I thought I might've scared you off." 

He scratched his head in confusion, "Why would you think it was your fault? It's true I was a bit overwhelmed, but I definitely overreacted." He looked at me, his eyes were teary, "Please forgive me. I made it about me and I know that you aren't very trusting right now and you have a right to not be and I'm sorry I pushed you but I just really like you and I don't want to mess it up with lying and shit." He burst out this mouthful and then looked down at his shoes in embarrassment. 

I giggled at the redness of his tanned face. "You're incredibly cute when you're nervous, Lautner." I took a deep breath. "If you want to know about my relationship with Joe, then I'm ready to tell you, some of it anyways."

 He looked up, "If you don't want to tell me, I'll understand. It wasn't right of me to ask when we've only just become friends." 

I took a deep breath, "I honestly don't know why I feel so safe around you but I do, and that's why I'll tell you the gist of it." I paused, "I met Joe two and a half years ago at his concert. We kind of hit it off and we started dating a little while later. Throughout the honeymoon stage, things were great! I honestly thought he might be the one, until he started doing weird things like kind of playfully slapping me and calling me names that he thought were cute. He started sort of pushing to, you know um, well, to fuck me." I drew in a breath and tried to keep my tears in. "I refused to because I made a personal decision to not have sex until marriage. He laughed at me and called me a 'fucking prude' and a 'stupid ass virgin prick.' He started 'punishing' me for being a 'bad girlfriend' and didn't let me see my friends for months because apparently they were bad influences." I couldn't hold my sobs in. 

Taylor put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to."

 I shook off his hand, "No, I need to." I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes on my shirtsleeves. "Joe started going out frequently with the guys to drink and smoke. I remember hiding in the spare room, terrified that that would be the night when he finally was the right combination of drunk enough and angry enough to attack me instead of staying out all night and sleeping it off." The panic rose in me and I took a deep, sob-filled breath. "I just wish that I.. that I could've gotten out sooner." I choked out these final words before I started full-on crying. Why did you ever date him?! You dumb fuck, this is your fault. You deserve everything you got. 

Taylor looked at me with what I thought was immense pity and a bit of disgust. I tried to wipe the tears that flowed without stop. "Why are you looking at me like that?" My tone was guarded. 

"I just can't believe all the shit you've been through, and you're still so strong and beautiful." He shook his head, "I will kill him!" The veins in his neck bulged in fury. I cowered out of habit at his harsh tone.

 "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, Taylor!" He looked so scared that he had hurt me. 

I felt terrible about causing him worry. I tentatively wrapped my arms around his neck for a comforting hug. "It's just a involuntary reaction, I'm not scared of you, Taylor. You make me feel safe." For some reason, I felt like for the first time in a long time, I could let my guard down. "I left my car at your place.... Do you think you could drive me back to get it?" I asked with a bit nervousness. He had already been so kind to me. 

His lips stretched into a now familiar smile. "Of course. Let's go!"

  What a gentleman. Is this what guys are supposed to be like?

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