Chapter 10

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Taylor Lautner ran his fingers through his thick, black hair as his soul silently died at the thought of Taylor despising him. How could this have happened?! 

All he wanted was to buy a nice breakfast for her, and some psycho had snuck in here! Now all he was worried about was Taylor's safety. He needed to know where she was and if she was okay.


I was not okay. I had known Taylor only a few days, but there was something there. Something that I missed with all my heart now that it was gone, something special. I think that I was and still am in love with Taylor Daniel Lautner. I couldn't lose him, he was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I loved him, and because I loved him, I knew what I needed to do.

I decided to ask Joe about what happened. 

Maybe he threatened Taylor into writing that letter. Maybe, and it was a strong maybe, Taylor really did love me, and Joe was simply up to his usual bullshit. Whatever the situation, I wasn't ready to give up on Taylor.


Taylor arrived at the Swift home just minutes after Taylor left. 

Of course, he didn't know that. 

He sprang up to the door, ringing it anxiously. When it opened, he immediately spoke, "Tay-"

 But it wasn't her. The person in front of him was a very disapproving Andrea Swift. 

"Mrs. Swift, hi, is Taylor here?"

 Andrea scowled at him, "No, she isn't. Why are you here?" 

"Well, could I come in? Taylor thinks I broke up with her, but I swear I didn't. I need to make things right." He pleaded. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Lautner, but Taylor is on her way to Joe's. I guess the letter that you wrote was right. She isn't finished with him yet." Andrea smirked. 

Taylor looked at her with disbelief, "YOU wrote that letter?!" 

She smiled, "Yes, I did. My daughter made a mistake breaking up with Joe for you. She was acting like a whore, flirting with you when Joe was about to propose the next day. I want my daughter to marry Joe Jonas, not spend her time with a bad boy actor." 

He was shocked at Mrs. Swift's revelation, "You would send your own daughter back to her abusive boyfriend?! Why would you want that for her? What have I done to make you that pissed?!" 

Andrea said nothing back, just giving me a sick smile. Taylor stormed out and started his drive to Joe's.

When he arrived, Taylor ran up to the door and kicked it in, "Taylor! I'm here, don't worry!" He walked into the kitchen, where to his horror was a sight he never wish to see again.

Taylor and Joe locked in a passionate kiss.


Oh bad news for T Squared :O Jaylor is seemingly back on....or is it? 

HUGE SHOUTOUT TO @Taylorscissors (cool name) for correctly guessing that Andrea wrote the letter!

(Disclaimer: I know Andrea is totally sweet in real life )



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