Chapter 20

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What? When did I ever give the sign that I wanted to marry him?

"Taylor, I know we're young but I love you with everything I have. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Joe looked at me, hazel eyes huge.

I finally found the courage to speak, "Joe, I don't know what to say. I came down here to tell you that I'm back together with Taylor, and you proposed? I don't even have any idea of what to say right now! Sure, I have feelings for you but marriage? That's a huge commitment that I'm not ready for. I haven't even figured out my own feelings yet. I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to say no."


So Lautner was back in the picture, and oh how Joe hated that guy. Just when things were finally going well with Taylor and him, Lautner had to show up and ruin everything. 

"I'm not giving up on us Taylor, I love you and Lautner coming back isn't going to change the way I feel about you." 

She looked at me with tears forming, "I'm sorry Joe, but I love him."


When I said that, Joe stormed out. I quickly gathered my purse and stuff, and left hurriedly as the stares of judgmental customers burned my back. This was the worst feeling, breaking someone's heart, knowing they loved you but not feeling as strongly towards them. 

There was no doubt in my mind or heart that I loved Joe Jonas. He was my first real love, the first person I actually thought I'd spend the rest of my life with. 

However, Taylor, now he was the one. If he had been the one to propose to me just 20 minutes ago, we'd be engaged. There's no doubt in me that I was in love with Taylor Daniel Lautner. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and grow old with him.


Taylor Lautner expected Taylor to be back soon, she had promised to stop by after talking with Joe. Hopefully he would gracefully back off once he realized that Taylor wasn't in love with him.  

Lautner heard footsteps outside and jumped up, "Taylor, is that you?"

It wasn't her.



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