One: The Phone Call of Doom

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The Phone Call of Doom

"OH MY GOSH MACY THAT'S FREAKIN' BRILLIANT!" My best friend Lucy shouts loudly in Subway, not minding the people staring. I just told her about my idea of running a babysitting business together.

"Thank you woman!" I laugh, taking a sip of my drink.

"You're welcome man!"

I give her a look, "I am not a man."

"Says you."



"Girls, please lower your voices or else we will have to ask you to leave," a man behind the counter says.

Lucy and I have both seen the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction since we've got One Direction Infection running through our veins, so we both say in synch in really deep voices "HOW 'BOUT THIS?!"


"I cannot believe he called security!" Lucy exclaims throwing her arms around dramatically. She almost hit a guy (a very hot guy might I add) walking by- him narrowly missing her spazzing hand by jumping out of the way yelling "WHOA!"

"Oops! Sorry!" Lucy apologizes, me standing to the side laughing so hard I can't breathe.


"Macy. Macy. Macy. It's been three minutes," Lucy mumbles in monotone, watching me continue to laugh.

"It---was---just---so---FUNNY!" I exclaim through laughter. I was laughing so hard, I managed to walk straight into a light pole, and then Lucy busted out laughing along with me. People turn and stare while we're holding each other up to keep from falling.

"KEEP ON WALKING! NOTHING TO SEE HERE!" I soon manage to yell after I'm all laughed out.

"Y-YEAH!" Lucy agrees.


"Okay, now, we wait," I state after Lucy and I had finished putting up all our banners for our babysitting company. Lucy and I share an apartment, so right now we're chilling in our living room.

That's when the phone rings, "I GOT DIS!" Lucy yells, grabbing it.

"Good..." Lucy looks over at the clock that reads '12:30', "AFTERNOON."

I sit there in excitement; this must be our first caller!

"Oh, hey Daniel," Lucy mumbles looking rather bummed.

Daniel is my boyfriend. I've been with him for... Two years maybe?

"No, Macy and I are busy. We'll have to call you back," Lucy tells him.

"Wait, no I can talk to him!" I exclaim, I mean it is nice to talk to your boyfriend when he calls.

"Shut your face," Lucy exclaims, putting her hand over my mouth. "BYEEE!" She screams into the phone, hanging up.

I glare at her when she doesn't remove her hand, and she just smirks at me. I just lick her hand, making her jerk away screaming "that's so freakin' gross!"

I smile in victory, and before I could reply, the phone rings again.

This time, I grab it.


"Hi, is this Macy or Lucy?" A man with a deep, British voice asks.

"BOTH OF US ARE HERE!" Lucy yells in my ear.

"Oh, great. I called about your babysitting company."

"Yes sir, we do all hours," I say in my 'professional' voice.

"Great, um... So I have five boys."

"FIVE BOYS!?" Lucy whisper-yells, looking at me with wide eyes.

I ignore her and say, "We can do that. Just give us the address and the hours we need to be there."

"Well, starting tomorrow from 8 AM to 10 PM during the week days, and Saturday 10 AM to 12 AM. Sunday's you're off, and I'll pay you girls each 20 dollars an hour," he says with no hesitation.

Lucy and my eyes bulge out of our heads (not literally, that would be weird).

"Um, okay, so tomorrow?" I say in a daze.

"Yes, and about the address- how about I just send a car to pick up you girls?" He suggests.

"That's fine," I say. "Oh, and sir what's your name?"


"Okay, Simon, we'll be there tomorrow," I say excitedly.

"Thank you so much!"

The phone call ends, and Lucy and I jump up screaming our heads off dancing around like idiots.

"WE GOT A JOB!" Lucy exclaims happily.


-The Next Day-

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock, and I jump out of my bed running over to my closet. I throw on a pair of jeans, a Batman shirt, and my neon pink Adidas high tops. I brush out my hair, leaving it down and putting two hair ties on my wrist. I then grab my iPod and phone, and walk out of my room.

I hear footsteps beside me, and turn to see Lucy dressed in her Superman shirt, jeans, and neon green Adidas high tops. Her curly hair was left down, and she had her iPhone in her hand.

Twin telepathy. We're both in our superhero shirts!

She grins at me, and we take off, racing out of our apartment. We run down the stairs and out the front door.

"There goes my exercising for the day!" Lucy exclaims out of breath.

"Mine too," I agree, also out of breath.

That's when a car pulls up with our names on a piece of paper on the windshield.

The driver rolls down the window, "Lucy and Macy?"

"That's us!"

We hop into the back seat.

"Are you Simon?" I ask putting on my seatbelt.

Safety first kids... Safety first.

"Oh, heavens no. I'm his personal driver."

"WHOA! HE HAS A PERSONAL DRIVER!?" Lucy asks loudly.

The guy chuckles, "Indeed."


"And here we are!" The driver exclaims after quiet a long drive up a road to a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere.

"Whoa," I say staring out the window.

"He's a rich man," Lucy states as if she just figured that out.

"You don't say!" I say sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes and steps out of the car.

"Thank you Mr. Driver!" She and I both yell behind us while heading for the door. When we get to the door Lucy begins banging on it like a crazy person.

"LUCY!" I shout, pointing at the doorbell.

She smiles sheepishly, and then presses it.

Seconds later, we hear a British voice yell "PIZZA'S HERE!" It soon swings open, and both mine and Lucy's mouth drops open in shock.

The person who opened the door was Zayn Malik.

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