Thirty: Princesses

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Thirty: Princesses

-Macy's POV-

"Who's a little princess!?" I hear Harry coo from the other room.

I slowly make my way over to the door, and I peek inside. "HARRY!?"

The tiara and wand drop to the floor, and he turns around quickly. "MACY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"



"NO, I STAYED BEHIND, BECAUSE I HAD A HEADACHE. NOW ANSWER ME, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?" I stare at him with wide eyes. He's in a fluffy pink dress, and he did have a tiara on his head and a wand.

"I-ER-NOTHING. You're hallucinating," he whispers, slowly backing away and into the tiny bathroom.

"I don't think I am."

"Okay... I may or may not be weird."

"I think we've established that, Harry." Everyone knows that.

"Well... I just found this dress and a tiara, and I just wanted to know what it feels like to be a woman."

I sigh, "You're such a strange human being."

"Why thank you."

"I'm going to go back to bed now..." I trail off, turning on my heel.


"Hey, Macy, do you want to ride with me to get some groceries?" Lucy asks, walking onto the bus with the rest of the boys right behind her.

"Yeah, sure," I nod, jumping up.

Liam hands her the keys to one of the security cars we're allowed to drive, and the two of us head out of the bus.

"You will never guess what happened," I say, starting to laugh.

She looks over at me, "What?"

"Well, I caught Harry dressed as a princess."

I look over at her waiting for a reaction. "WHAT!?" She shouts, clutching her stomach from laughing so hard. "REALLY!?"

"YES!" I exclaim, getting into the passenger seat of the car. "He had a tiara and everything!"

Lucy starts up the car, still laughing. "I can't freakin' believe this. He's never going to live this down."

After a moment of silence, Lucy looks over at me with a smirk.


"How's you and Niall doing?" She asks innocently.

"What do you mean?"

"Anything to look forward to?"

"Not that I know of..."

She gasps, "MACY!"


"Today's your one month anniversary!"

I gasp, "WHAT!? You mean I forgot? Dang it, Niall was giving me clues all morning before y'all left, he must think I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"

"It's okay," Lucy says. "You just have to get an amazing gift."

"Such as?"

"He's your boyfriend! Shouldn't you know!?"

I sigh, "I'm not good at thinking of these kinds of things under pressure!"

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