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"I hate to cry, and I'm crying," Lucy gushes, fanning her face with her hands whenever I walk out of the bedroom of our hotel.

"Lucy, calm down. Your hormones have been a lot crazier lately," I laugh, but I still feel like I'm going to throw up any second.

"Well, I am pregnant, so my hormones are obviously going to make me more emotional, but that still doesn't help that fact that you look absolutely beautiful," she says, making me smile thankfully at her.

"I can't believe I'm getting married," I say out loud, looking myself over in the mirror.

"And to Liam, like what's up with that!?"

"LUCY!" I scowl jokingly, shaking my head.

"I'm kidding, geez. Everyone knew you and Niall were meant to be as soon as the two of you met. I still remember that day..."

I sigh, "I do too."

She laughs lightly, "Zayn's first words to us were 'you're not pizza'."

I laugh along with her. That was a good day.

There's suddenly a knock at the door, and Lucy goes to open it. "Hi, Liam!"

"You look lovely, Lucy, and-" he stops when he sees me. "Wow, Macy, Niall's going to die when he sees you!"

"I hope not, our honeymoon would be so boring if I was alone," I joke, adjusting my dress.

"You know what I meant," Liam laughs. "Well, the ceremony is about to start."

I take in a breath, "I don't think I can do this."

"Sure you can. You just walk down a little pathway to the man of your dreams, you repeat some things after some old guy, and then you kiss the man of your dreams," Lucy says, smirking.

"It just doesn't seem that simple," I reply with a smile as the three of us head out of the room. I just can't believe I'm getting married. And to Niall Horan. Before I met him, he was just a celebrity crush, and now he's going to be my husband.

Today my wedding is just for friends and family. It's kind of small, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. I don't have any bridesmaids, I just have Lucy as my maid of honor, and Niall has Zayn as his best man.

We eventually get to the doors that lead down the aisle, and my wedding planner quickly ushers Liam to go to his seat.

"You look amazing, Macy!" Zayn exclaims when he sees me.

"Thank you," I smile, but I don't think I hold it very long since I still feel like throwing up.

"I need the best man and maid of honor going down the aisle!" My wedding planner exclaims, getting Lucy and Zayn to start going down the aisle.

I look around quickly, looking for my dad. He's supposed to walk me down the aisle!

"I'm here!" He exclaims, running around the corner, making me sigh in relief. He runs up to me, holding out his arm; which I gladly take.

"You'll go as soon as the doors open," my wedding planner says, and my heartbeat speeds up even more.

"Why so tense?" My dad jokes, elbowing me playfully.

I laugh, shaking my head. "I'm a little nervous."

"Well, you can always back out, I mean, I don't mind," he grins.

"Dad, stop," I say laughing.

He sighs, "I just can't believe my baby girl is getting married. I still wish you were riding on your little bike."

"I'm not a little girl anymore," I say, starting to tear up just like him.

He smiles, wiping away a few tears that had fell from his eyes. "Well, let's get you married."

As if on cue, the doors swing open, and at the end of the aisle I see Niall standing next to the preacher. I see Lucy and Zayn, and I can see familiar faces throughout the audience; including Louis, Harry, and Liam in the front row.

I slowly begin to make my way down the aisle, and all I pay attention to is Niall. He looks so handsome, and I almost have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. I can tell Niall's trying not to cry, and that makes me smile. I love him so much.

I finally make it to the stage, and after my dad says his line, I'm standing in front of Niall, and our hands are intertwined. Niall looks nervous, but he sends me a reassuring smile.

The preacher says his lines, and we eventually get to our vows.

Niall wanted me to go first.

I begin, slowly growing confidence. "Niall James Horan, what would I do without you? I didn't think I'd ever get my prince, but then you came along. I love you so much, and I'm going to be by your side through whatever this life holds for us."

After Niall composes himself, he begins his vows. "Macy, I didn't think my life could get better until you came into my life. I'd never felt the way I did with you, and I'm so thankful to be able to call you mine. You're the one I love, and when I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything. You make me happy when I'm down, and I am honestly the luckiest man in the world. I love you, Macy."

I can barely contain my emotions. I've never heard anything so beautiful.

The preacher finally says the words I've been waiting for.

"Niall, you may now kiss your bride."



I honestly can't believe it.

Even though this book isn't my best, I still enjoyed writing it! And I love all of you who have supported it!

If you want to read more stuff by me, I have other books on this account and honestly most of them are WAYYY better than this because I wrote this when I was like fetus and its shit but okay.



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