Twenty-Nine: A Lot of Whats

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-Lucy's POV-

"What!?" I shout frantically, my heart beating rapidly.

Harry laughs. "I'm totally kidding. I just got a little sleepy, and decided to take a nap," he jokes.

I slap him in the back of the head, "Don't do that to me, Styles."

"What if I have a concussion? You could've just made it worse."

"Shut it. Let's get you back to the bus. Passing out is not necessarily a good thing," I say with a sigh, trying to pull him up.

"Wait, I need to say something," he begins, stopping me.


"No, tomorrow," he says sarcastically. "Yes, now."



"Harry! Lucy!" I hear familiar voices shouting, and I turn to see Macy and Niall running our way.

"Guys, help me with Harry! He passed out!" I exclaim, jogging over to them.

"Did he... Say anything?" Macy asks me as Niall rushes by and kneels next to Harry.

"We talked a bit, but he didn't say much. Why?"

She sighs in relief, "Just checking."

"Why?" I repeat.

She looks past me at Niall and Harry, and then back at me. "If I tell you, you have to swear not to tell any of them I told you. You have to swear on your life that you'll pretend like you have no idea what's going on."

I scoff, "I was born acting like I don't know what's going on."

"Touché, but do you want to know or not?"

"Tell me!"

"Well, remember how you were ranting to me about how much you love Harry Potter?"

"I've done that a lot..."

"On the tour bus."

"Oh, yeah!" I exclaim.

"Harry overheard, and he thought you were talking about him," she whispers.

My mouth drops open, "What!?"

"Yeah, that's why Niall and I ran here as fast as possible to keep him from embarrassing himself."

"Well, he did pass out, so that's pretty embarrassing."

"Better than confessing his undying love to you thinking you love him back," she retorts.

"But, what if I do?"

"WHAT!?" She shrieks.

"I'm totally kidding," I laugh. "I'm too young to be saying stuff like that."

She holds a hand to her heart, "I think you threw my heart beat off."

"Ready to go back to the bus, ladies?" Niall asks, walking up to us with Harry who looked a little flustered.

Well, now it's awkward.

I really, REALLY want to know what he was going to say, but at the same time I don't, because it's scary to think about.

I mean, on one hand, Macy could've been joking around when she said he was going to 'confess his love' to me, and maybe instead he was going to let me down easy?


Man, so many h's remind me of Harry.

Lucy, stop it.

No, you stop it.



"Lucy, why did you just slap yourself!?" Niall suddenly asks, his eyes wide.

"Why didn't you?" I ask. Reverse psychology people.




-Macy's POV-

"So, you heard?" Harry asks quietly as we walk back to the bus.

"Yeah..." I trail off. "At least Niall and I got here in time."

"Thankfully; even though I did pass out."

"That's not that bad," I say, grinning. "Why'd you pass out?"

"I was thinking of what I was going to say, and I got lightheaded, and poof."

"Poor you," I joke.

We eventually get back to the bus. Everyone finds their way to their beds, and I try to go to sleep to get some rest.



I know this chapter sucked and is short, but I keep getting comments to update, because y'all wanted to know what happened to Harry and everything, so I updated this.

It would be longer and better, but I'm not in my "funny mood" lol.

I'll try and update whenever I get time.

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