Twelve: The Date With Pablo

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The Date With Pablo:

"How do I look?" I ask Lucy, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Better than most people," Lucy grins as she ties the laces of her black Converse.

I grin back, putting down the hair straightener, and I grab some cash, "Are you sure you can handle the boys by yourself?"

She scoffs, "Are you talking to me? I handled my cousins throughout my life."

I laugh, "That is true."

"Well, adios. I'm going to head over there. If you need anything, like to beat up Jeremiah, call me."

"Will do."

She walks out the door, and I smile at my reflection like a creeper. I do look pretty good, especially for a date.

It doesn't take long before somebody rings the doorbell, and I open the door to reveal Pablo- I mean Jeremiah. I really need to start calling him by his real name before bad things happen.

"Hi, Macy," he grins, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hi, Jeremiah," I smile. I'm putting on the charm ladies and gentlemen... Putting on the charm.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks, so do you." NO. "I mean, you look really hot. But not like hot sauce. I mean like the sun, but not blinding. You just-" I pause, taking a deep breath as Pablo laughs loudly. I'm such a rambler.

"That was cute," he says, a grin on his face.

I look down, my face red. "That was embarrassing."

"Shall we go?"

"Yes." I shut the door and lock it behind me, and I walk towards Pablo's Hummer, my face still red from embarrassment.


-Lucy's POV-

"What in the world!?" I shout, dropping my bag of stuff to the floor when I walk into the living room.

"Hi, Lucy..." Louis trails off, a sheepish grin on his face.

"What are you doing to Niall!?" I yell in shock, walking towards them to see Niall firmly wrapped in duct tape up to his mouth.


"You're left alone for not even an hour and you do this!?" I yell loudly, whacking Zayn in the back of the head.


"And Liam, aren't you supposed to be 'responsible'?" I ask, turning to him.

"That's what they said... But sometimes I get a little hyper."

I roll my eyes, turning to Niall who looks at me with pleading eyes. "Someone help me get this tape of Niall."

They all look at each other hoping one of them would volunteer.


Zayn steps forward, grabbing a piece of the duct tape and begins pulling it off slowly.

"You don't have a mustache, do you?" I ask Niall as I grab a strip of duct tape on his face.

He shakes his head, and I laugh sheepishly, "This is still going to hurt."

I rip it off, and as soon as it leaves his mouth he's yelling curse words.

Zayn grabs a piece of ducktape that was wrapped around his arm, and he rips it off making Niall yelp.


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