Thirty-One: No More Babysitting

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-Macy's POV-

"I can't believe it's over," I whisper to myself, sighing as I look over at Lucy who was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Last night was the boys' last concert, and Macy and I are flying back home today where Lucy will soon be leaving for college.

"Good morning," Lucy says, sitting up with a yawn. She has a sad smile on her face.

"Morning," I reply, stretching.

We both sit there for a moment until a terrible scent fills the air.

"Is something burning?!" Lucy asks, jumping up.

The two of us run out of our room, and the first thing I see is smoke coming from the kitchen of the bus. "BOYS!?" I yell, running into the kitchen full speed, not knowing what to expect. I'm suddenly stopped by being picked up, and I find myself being thrown over someone's shoulder. "LIAM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shout, hitting him on the back when I realize he's the one that's picked me up.

"SAVING YOUR LIFE!" He shouts like Batman, running out the door. I then realize the other boys were right behind us. Lucy was being carried fireman style by Zayn, and Harry was carrying Niall. If I wasn't so terrified, I'd be laughing at how freakin' funny we all look.

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!?" Lucy shouts at them as soon as we're set down on the ground.

"Well..." Liam begins.

"We were going to cook you breakfast," Zayn adds in.

"And we found some biscuits wrapped in tin foil," Louis says.

"And apparently you can't put tin foil in the microwave," Harry states.

"IT GOES BOOM!" Niall exclaims loudly, and at that exact moment flames blast from the kitchen window. The noise was so loud and caught us all so off guard, we all managed to scream like little children in a haunted house.

"There goes all of our clothes," Liam mutters.

"At least I didn't have anything valuable in there," I add in.

"Um, guys..." Zayn suddenly says, starting to walk away.


"The fire is getting bigger, so it's only a matter of time before it gets to the fuel."

"AND IT GOES BOOM!" Niall belts out, running at me and carrying me further away from the bus.

In the next twenty minutes, the fire department shows up, the bus blows up, and Harry throws up.

It was pretty bad.

In case anyone's wondering, Harry threw up because of his nerves, and yes, it was totally disgusting.

"Well, this was a great way to start the day," Louis mutters.

I pat his shoulder, "It's okay, Louis-"

"No, it isn't! Today you and Lucy are leaving, and we wanted it to be special, and then this happened."

"Yeah," the other guys mumble in unison.

"You guys, it may not seem like it now, but in a few years we're all going to look back at this and laugh. We're going to make the best of this day until Macy and I have to leave, and we're not going to let something like this ruin it. Now who's ready to party?" Lucy exclaims, and I've never seen her so serious in my life.

Smiles break out on all of our faces, and Liam claps his hands together. "Let's get ice cream."

"For breakfast?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

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