Six: Godzilla and Paris

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Six: Godzilla and Paris

"What's the problem, Uncle Simon?" Louis asks, all of us putting our attention on him.

"The fans are going crazy, because you guys haven't been on Twitter, out in public, or anything in a couple days! They think we killed you guys!" He exclaims throwing his hands around in the air.

"So... What do you want us to do about it?" Liam asks.

"We're going to have an emergency concert. Since it's such short notice, we only found one place for it, and that place is in Paris," Simon states all in one breath.

"Wait, so our fans think we're dead, and the first thing you do is have an emergency concert?" Niall asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, Horan. If you went on Twitter they'd think it was us covering your deaths up or something, and if you all went out in public you'd be mobbed worse than you've ever been before, because teenage girls and some teenage boys all across the world are still crying their eyes out because of the rumors! I've gotten more death threats than I've ever gotten in my life!" Simon replies, talking quickly.

"When's the concert?" Zayn asks.

"Tonight, so you all need to pack now and get your butts to the airport," Simon commands.

"Well, we'll see you guys when you get back!" Lucy calls as she heads for the door with me right behind her waving.

"Wait!" Simon yells, making us both come to a halt. "Will you two go to? The boys tend to go partying a lot when in other places."

"Well, we can," I say cooly, even though on the inside I was jumping around; I've always wanted to go to Paris.

"Great! If you two will, run home and pack and the boys will pick you up on their way to the airport. I'll give them your address."

Lucy and I head out the door, and as soon as we're in out car, we start fangirling.

"WE'RE GOING TO PARIS!" Lucy screams.

"WITH ONE DIRECTION!" I add on, starting up the car.


"I didn't know what to pack, so I packed like four outfits ranging from fancy to my regular style," Lucy states as she comes down the stairs, her suitcase being dragged behind her. She's dressed in jeans and a 5SOS t-shirt with her black converse on.

"I did the same," I say, and at that time someone knocks on the door.

"Is that them?" Lucy asks, walking over to answer it. She opens it to reveal the boys dressed in disguises, but it was pretty obvious it was them in hoodies and sunglasses.

"Ready to go to Paris!?" Louis shouts enthusiastically.



Sitting in the car in between Niall and Zayn, we head to the airport. Lucy was trapped in the back next to Liam and Louis and Harry were in the front, Louis driving.

I feel my phone vibrate, and I take it out to see 'Daniel <3' flashing on my screen, and I mentally face palm. I totally forgot about my boyfriend.

From Daniel: Hey babe. I haven't heard from you lately... Just wondering if you were still alive? ;)

I quickly compose a text message:

Hey! I'm fine! I'm actually about to go on vacation! How are you? I miss you! xoxox

"Who do you miss?" Zayn asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Her boyfriend, Daniel, I bet," Lucy states with a laugh.

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