Twenty-Four: I'm Harry Styles

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-Harry's POV-

"You're kidding, right?" I ask Lucy, my eyes widening.

There's no way I'm letting her go home.

Well, that was a tad bit creepy, but I'm Harry Styles.

"I don't know!" She shouts, covering her face with her hands. "Macy and I have never fought, and I'm just so annoyed and fed up with all of this, and I just want to be done."

"What if we just take you back to the bus and make you and Macy make up?" Louis suggests, trying to lighten the mood.

"I think we all know that Macy will never apologize first, and I'm not apologizing first, so it's pointless to even try," she rambles angrily.

"Okay, okay," I say, taking ahold of both shoulders to make her look at me. "Let's just go out for some coffee; just the three of us, and you explain to us what happened."

She sighs for what seems like the millionth time. "Fine."


"Okay, now..." Louis begins, sitting across from me at a table. "Who exactly were you talking to?"

"I was talking to my cousin... Who said that I needed to get my fat butt out into the real world and stop hanging out with celebrities who don't even care about me," she says quietly, looking down at her lap.

"Your cousin said that!?" I shout, slamming my fist on the table. "What kind of person, especially a family member, says that!?"

"It's nothing really. He's just really rude and says what he wants. I'm used to it."

"Why were you talking to him in the first place?" Louis asks being surprisingly calm.

"I called to talk to my mom, and apparently my aunt's staying there, and my family went out to eat and he stayed at the house, so he answered the phone," she explains.

"And... Why didn't you tell Macy this?" Louis asks while I slowly slid my hand towards Lucy's phone on the table.

I need to make a phone call.

I'm Harry Styles, and I can do anything. Even if that means attacking a guy over the phone.

"I didn't feel like talking about it. You guys know I'm usually that really happy, chirpy person, and I always try to keep that facade up so I can make other people happy, so I didn't want to have to make Macy sad or mad about what my cousin said, but as you can see, that backfired."

I frown sadly, "You mean to tell me, sometimes when you're making us laugh, you've really had a bad day?"

"I like making people happy though. It makes my day better," she smiles, patting my arm.

I look at Louis who probably looks like me.

How could we not tell Lucy was sad?

It must be pretty hard continuing to be crazy while sad.

Then again, Lucy is just naturally crazy, so maybe it's not that hard?

I hug her tightly, "You don't have to pretend to be happy for us. Just tell us you're having a bad day."

"Okay. Harry?"


"I'm having a bad day." Her voice breaks with the last word, and she buries her face into my chest as she starts to cry.

I feel like I'm about to cry myself.

But I'm Harry Styles, I can cry if I want to.


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