Twenty-Five: The Cliff

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-Macy's POV-

"You guys..." I trail off, looking down at my phone while all seven of us head out to get some lunch.

"What?" They all ask in unison.

"Lucy and I's friend Westin just texted us, and he said he's back from Brazil... And that he wants to meet up with the two of us," I state, reading over the text.

"The doofus is back?" Lucy asks, looking over at me. "He probably doesn't even know we're on tour with these guys," she says laughing.

"He said your mom told him we were in Texas, so he's on a flight over here now."

"WHAT!?" Lucy shouts, "We all know he's a fan of One Direction, do you realize that he may have a fangirl attack!?"

"Don't you mean 'fan-boy'?" Louis jokes.

"This is not a joking situation, Lewis," Lucy says, flicking his ear.

"Ouch! And don't call me Lewis!"

"He's going to be at the airport here in Dallas at 2:10, and he needs us to pick him up..." I trail off, looking at the clock to see 2:00 flashing at me. "OH MY GOSH, HE'LL BE THERE IN TEN MINUTES, CHANGE OF PLANS, GO TO THE AIRPORT!" I shout.

Westin has been Lucy and I's friend for a while. He's really dumb, but he's funny and a good friend, so it's going to be good to see him.

"BUT I'M HUNGRY!" Harry and Niall cry out in unison.


I found that incredibly funny, and I'm guessing Louis (our driver) did too, because he swerves the car, and...


I'm so funny, we actually found ourselves crashing into a telephone pole.

"MY HEAD!" Zayn's the first to yell, holding his head that he hit on the seat in front of him.

I'm suddenly aware of the fact that Harry's making some kind of high pitched sound, and I look over at him to see his face red, eyes watering, and then I notice that my bag I've been carrying with me since I became the boys' babysitter is in his lap. I'm guessing it landed there on impact... And it's kind of heavy...


Niall looks over, "Harry-?"

"MY MCDOOGLES!" He suddenly cries, knocking my bag off.

"WHAT!?" Niall chokes out while he's laughing, "DID YOU JUST CALL YOUR BALLS 'MCDOOGLES'!?"

"SHUT IT NIALL, I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN RIGHT NOW!" He shouts while the rest of us laugh.

I look back at Lucy, "Aw, Lucy, now you won't be able to have any kids with your man-" I stop quickly when I realize I'm saying the words a little too loud, and judging by Lucy's face, everyone heard me.

"Well, this is awkward..." Louis says.

Lucy hides her face in her hands, and I look over at Harry who looked confused, and then over at Niall who was trying not to laugh, so I elbow him, "It's not funny!"

"Well, judging by all the laughter, no one's hurt," an officer says, walking up to Louis' window. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yes sir."

"What exactly happened to make you swerve off the road?" He then asks Louis.

"We were all laughing, and I kind of lost control."

"Well, next time be more careful. You'll have to pay for the damages on this telephone pole though, and I'd recommend calling a tow truck."

"Thanks..." Louis trails off.

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