Fifteen: Goodbye?

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Fifteen: Goodbye?

"That was the awesomest thing I've ever done," Lucy states as we all sit around the living room at the boys' place laughing about what happened just a few hours ago.

"'Awesomest' is not a word," Harry says, waving his finger at her.

"When I become President of the United States of America, I will make 'awesomeness' a word."

I laugh, standing up and heading into the kitchen to get a snack. My phone suddenly starts vibrating. I take it out, and I see an unknown number.

I'm not supposed to talk to strangers... Aye, what the heck, "Hello?"

"Macy!" A familiar voice says into the phone, but I can't quiet put my finger on who it belongs to...

"Who is this?"

"Kailin. Kailin West. You know, the guy that broke into your house that day?" He laughs.

"Oh, yeah!" My heart suddenly drops, "Wait... It's been two months already?"

"Technically it's only been a month and a half, but we're going to start practicing here in America in three days, and we're flying in our actors. I have a flight booked for Lucy and yourself the day after tomorrow at nine AM. I emailed you your tickets."

"Oh, you did?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Yeah... Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. I just kind of forgot..."

"Oh, great! I guess I'll be seeing you in a short while. See you soon!" He hangs up the phone before I can say bye.

I don't let any tears come into my eyes. I've had so much fun, and it's all going to come to an end so quickly? I knew it would have to end one day, but I never realized it would end so soon.

"Lucy, we should go! It's 8:30!" I shout into the living room, trying to sound normal.

"Awww, you two should just stay the night!" Liam exclaims.

"We can't... I have some stuff to do!" I lie, walking back out to find Lucy looking at me with her eyes squinted. She knows something's up.

"Oh. Well we'll see you in the morning then?" Niall asks.

"Yeah. We'll see you in the morning."


"Spill," Lucy demands as soon as we get into the car.

"Kailin called."

She looks at me confused for a second until her eyes widen, "The movie?! It's already here?!"

"Yeah. We're due to leave for America the day after tomorrow."

"But... What about the guys? What are we going to tell them?" She asks, starting to tear up.

"We'll just have to call Simon first and see what he wants us to do."


"I like that idea," I say to Lucy, smiling softly.

She just recommended that instead of having to say goodbye to the boys in person, we send them a video.

"That would be best," Simon agrees from the phone. "So you two work tomorrow normally, and try to be normal, and then the day after tomorrow you send them the video through email, and I'll tell them they're no longer in need of babysitting. Thanks to you two, they've stayed out of trouble, but still had a good time. Thank you so much. Your final paycheck will be mailed to you."

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