Twenty-Six: Fred

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-Lucy's POV-

"WESTIN!" Macy and I shriek in unison as he falls into the way of an oncoming car.

Luckily, the car doesn't hit him.

Too bad something else did.

"Is that-?" Harry begins to say.

I nod slowly. "It is."


"I know right!" Macy laughs.

By now all of the cars have stopped, and most people are sticking their heads out from their car windows to see what's going on.

"Harry, get Westin," I say to him, nudging him forward.

"Ew, gross. Not with that on his face."

"We can't just leave him there people!" Macy shouts. "Niall, you're a big man, help him."

"Did you just call me fat?" Niall asks like a teenage girl.

Macy rolls her eyes, "Get your butt over there!"

Niall walks over slowly, and he grimaces as he looks at what landed on Westin's face.

A pair of underwear.

I wonder if they're from a hobo...

Do hobo's wear underwear?

Or do they go without it like my Uncle Put?

Niall reaches down and grabs Westin by his ankle, and he slowly drags him up onto the sidewalk.

"Should we remove the underpants?" I ask, scrunching my nose in disgust when I see the words 'Fred' scribbled on them.

Fred, you should've taken better care of your underwear.


Look at me, I'm the next big poet. You just don't know it.


"Anyone have a stick?" Harry asks.

"Wait... I got an idea..." I trail off, walking over to Zayn, Liam, and Louis.

"Zayn, want to play a game?" I ask him, skipping up next to him.

"I don't know... What game?"

"There's a prize. I'm going to guide you to it, but you have to keep your eyes shut at all times," I instruct.

"I don't know, Lucy... This seems kind of sketchy."

I feign hurt, "You don't trust me!?" I pull my signature puppy dog face making him sigh.

"Fine, but if it's something alive, I'll be so mad," he states, closing his eyes.

"It's not," I grin, pulling him along the sidewalk. Well... I don't know actually...



I manage to pull Zayn over to the others. Luckily none of the others ask any questions. They must've learned from experience with me. If you ask me what I'm doing, there's a 99.9% change you don't want to know.

"Okay, Zayn, lean down with your hand outstretched if you want your prize!" I chirp, pulling his hand towards the undies.

He brushes against them, and he asks, "What is that, Lucy?"

"You'll see! Just pick them up!" I urge.

He grabs the cloth, and pulls it up.

"Okay, Zayn, OPEN YOUR EYES!" I exclaim.

He does as I said, and I watch him entertained as his eyes widen, and a high pitched scream I didn't know he was capable of echoes through the parking lot. He throws Fred's panties (I'm kidding, he was wearing boxers) towards some bushes, and he continues to freak out.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Westin shrieks, sitting up quickly.

"You're awake!" Macy grins.

"Y-you two are with One Direction..." He trails off, looking at Harry, Niall, and Zayn. Well, he was watching Zayn run around in circles yelling at me.

"Lucy, you're so rude!" He says.

"Why did you do it!?" He says.

"Because you deserved a prize!" I chirp in between one of his cries.

He stops running, and he turns to me.

Holy crap, he looks possessed!

"Lucy..." He growls making my eyes wide.

I take off running towards Louis and Liam, screaming my head off.

"GET BACK HERE!" Zayn shouts.

"LOUIS, LIAM!" I shriek, running into both of them with so much force they die.

I'm kidding, they're just fine, but I still ran into them.

"PROTECT ME!" I yell, trying to hide behind them.

Zayn runs up, and he's stopped by Louis and Liam.

"What's wrong, mate?" Louis asks him.

"Lucy made me grab some guy's dirty underwear off of some guy's face."

Liam and Louis couldn't help it, and they both bust out laughing.

"It's not funny!" Zayn shouts with a huff. "My hands could be infected."

"You haven't washed them yet!?"

"No, Liam, I haven't."

"ZAYN!" Louis and him shout in unison, jumping farther away from him.

"There's no sinks around here!" Zayn exclaims.

"Go into the gas station!" Louis says in a 'duh' tone.

Zayn huffs once again, but he doesn't argue, and he rushes into the gas station.


-Zayn's POV-

Now I know why kids hate babysitters.


If I wasn't a grown man, I'd be crying right now.

I walk into the men's bathroom, and I begin scrubbing my hands roughly.

I hear a stall door open, and I see a scary, hairy, oldish man peek his head out. "Hey, kid, have you seen a pair of underwear with the name 'Fred' on them? One of my buddies took them, and I've been stuck in this bathroom for hours."

My eyes widen with his words.

"Hey, are you crying?"

I rush out of the bathroom, my heart racing. I touched that man's underwear. That means I technically touched his hairy butt.

"Zayn?" I hear Macy's voice say, and I turn my head to see her standing at the cash register paying for a drink. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I mumble, walking out of the gas station.

After a long day which consisted of all of us getting to know Westin (who's quite a funny guy), we all head off to bed on the bus.

Although I couldn't sleep very well.

I had a dream about a certain man and a certain pair of underwear.



I know it's been a while since I updated, but I didn't really have any motivation to update anything to be honest :/

Sorry about the wait and sorry about the short chapter, but at the moment I'm making this collage thing, and I want to get it finished :)

Hope you liked the chapter :)


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