Four: Fancy Pants

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Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi!

OMG I know last chapter I said I would try to update more, but guess what?

I didn't.


Don't hit me :(

Today I took my last final exam, so this is kind of like a funny little chapter in honor of the end of exams at my school.

Plus, I had like the weirdest day ever.

Anywho without further ado, here's chapter five!!

Climbing out of my bed at five o'clock (I like to get up nice and early for days with work), I yawn while heading to my bathroom for a shower. After getting my hair washed and stuff, I jump out drying off quickly, and then put on a pair of jeans, an American Eagle t-shirt, and my black Vans. I brush out my hair, and then head out of my room, stopping in front of Lucy's door.

I peek in and frown when I see her still sleeping. "LUCY GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!" I shout, scaring her.

"Nooooo," She whines curling up in her Superman blankets.

"Don't you want to see One Direction?" I ask leaning against the doorframe.

She sits up, "That was real!?"

Rolling my eyes I walk out of her room, "Get dressed ya blonde!"

"I'm a brunette, thank you very much! You're the blonde one!" She retorts as I walk down the hall.

"At least I don't have so many blonde moments like you!"

"I think we both know that's a lie!"

Laughing, I walk into the kitchen, but scream at the top of my lungs when I find someone sitting at the counter.

"Who the heck are you!?" I shout, holding up a fruit bowl. Go with what you got peeps.

Lucy bursts into the kitchen in her panda pajamas holding her paintball gun. "THERE'S REALLY A PERSON!?" She shrieks seeing the young man (as in our age) watching us with amusement.

"I mean no harm," he states, standing up with his hands raised.

"Darn. I was ready to go all gun crazy," Lucy sighs, dropping her paintball gun to her side.

"Do you two seriously not know who I am?" He asks, giving us a weird look.

"Should we?" Lucy and I ask in unison.

"It's Kailin."

"Kailin...?" I trail off, not lowering my weapon of choice. Well, maybe not by choice, but hey, apples can still be lethal.

He sighs, "I was in your high school?"

"Wait, the jock Kailin West?" Lucy asks confused.

"What are you doing in here!?" I shout.

"How did you know where we live!?"

"How did you know we were in England!?"

"How did you get in here!?"

"How did you-"

"Whoa! One question at a time! I'm here because I need to ask a favor. I asked your moms who want you both to do it, and I knocked, but after thirty minutes I realized the door was unlocked," he explains.

"What favor?" Lucy asks, not even caring that one of our high school's most popular dudes is in our kitchen.

"We want you two to be in a movie project my dad is doing."

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