Eight: Fangirls, Butts, and Paul

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Eight: Fangirls, Butts, and Paul

~Macy's POV~

"Has any of you seen my other shoe!?" Niall yells, walking around the hotel room holding up one of his Michael Jordan's.

"It's on your foot," I state, rolling my eyes at the boy.


"Hurry up! Our plane leaves at ten! Y'all have ten seconds!" Lucy shouts. "10! 9!..."

I hear the sound of running and suitcases coming down the hallway, and eventually, all the boys make it into the living room with their suitcases. Lucy and I being smart packed our bags last night, so we were ready to go.

"It's only nine fifteen!" Harry states, looking at his phone.

"Yeah, but we need to go on and get to the airport in case we get stuck in traffic," I explain.

Making it outside we're instantly surrounded by security and screaming girls.

I feel my heartbeat quicken and nervousness take over, because this is the first time I've ever had an encounter with the fangirls.

"WHO ARE THEY!?" Girls shout, glaring at Lucy and I.

I look at Lucy who had the same thought as I do, "We're in trouble now."

The last thing I need is people hating on me. I don't have a Twitter, but one thing I know about Directioners is:

They will find a way.

We get into the van, and my hands are still shaking.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks, looking over at me.

"Yup," I nod, my heartbeat slowing down to it's normal pace.

Paul was driving us.

Yes, Paul, the most famous bodyguard ever.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'S YOU!" Lucy shouts at Paul from the passenger seat since she was kind of shoved into the passenger seat by the crowd.

"Yes. It is I, Paul. Which one are you? Macy or Lucy?" He laughs.


"And I'm Macy!"

"The boys and Simon have told me so much about you two!" He informs us.

Lucy and I look at the guys who were grinning sheepishly.

"What did the boys say exactly?" I ask.

"Oh, you know..." Paul trails off, smirking deviously at the boys in the rearview mirror.

"Paul, don't!" Louis shouts from next to me.

"Black mail! Mwhahahaha!" Paul yells, throwing his head back with laughter.


After getting on the plane and taking off, I find myself looking out the window.

"That's a long way down," I say to Lucy who was sitting next to me.

"Yeah. If we crash we die," she replies.

"LUCY!" I shout. "Now I'm going to be paranoid!"

She shrugs, "Just stating the facts."

"Pssst..." A voice says from behind me.

I glance back to see Harry.

"Give this to Niall," he says, handing me a folded piece of paper.

"Uh... Okay?" I say, handing the note to Niall who was sitting in front of me.

Niall looks back at me, his face red.

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