Seven: She Knows People

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Seven: She Knows People

"Macy! Get up!" Lucy whispers, shaking me violently.

I groan, "Why?"

"Because I'm taking you somewhere."

I turn over, and I look behind her at the alarm clock and I groan once again, "It's 4:00 in the morning!"

"Yeah, I had to sit in the bathroom and put my face in cold water every time I started to fall asleep, so I would be up to take you to this special place."

"Wait, you stayed up all night?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.


"Why didn't you just set the alarm?"

She doesn't answer, and I look back up at her to see her staring into space.


"I cannot believe I didn't think of that!" She whisper-shouts.

I smirk, sitting up, "Well, I'm up now. Where are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there. Get dressed."

I listen to her, and I slip on some jeans and a dark, navy blue, long sleeve t-shirt, and my black Vans. I tie my hair into a pony tail, and I walk out into the living room where I find Lucy sitting on the couch... Smacking herself in the face.

"What the heck are you doing?" I ask her with a low laugh so I don't wake the boys.

"Keeping myself awake. Tomorrow... I mean today, you get babysitting duty, and I'm sleeping."

I laugh, not saying anything, and she leads me out the door, closing it behind me.

"Crap!" She suddenly shouts, making me jump.

"What?" I ask, holding my heart. Well, I had my hand on my chest as if I was holding my heart, because if I was really holding my heart, I would be dead.

"I forgot a room key, so we'll have to knock on the door when we get back."

"And that's a bad thing?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, because the boys are going to interrogate us!"

"We could just tell them if they ask we'll ground them," I suggest.

"Brilliant!" Lucy exclaims, heading down the hallway.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask impatiently as we walk down the chilly street.

"Ask me again and I will stab you with my thumbs," She threatens.

"You wouldn't hurt me!" I smirk, poking her cheek.

"Yeah, that's true, but I know people."

I give her a look of horror, but she busts out laughing so I know she's kidding.

"Here we are!" She grins, stopping in front of a street.

A gasp escapes my lips, "What is this place!?"

"Montmartre Walk! I looked it up online and I decided it wouldn't be too crowded this early in the morning," Lucy grins, admiring the beauty of the lights ahead of us.

"Thank you, Lucy!" I exclaim, hugging her tightly.

"Don't break me!" She jokes with a laugh, hugging me back.

"I'm so happy you're my best friend! First you dump up my jackwagon of a boyfriend, literally, and then you bring me here! Ahhhh!" I exclaim, walking towards the lights.


Laughing at something stupid Lucy said, the two of us head back towards the hotel. The sun rose an hour ago, and it's about nine o'clock now. We both realized we left our cell phones, so if we were kidnapped, dying, or both we wouldn't have been able to call for help.

When we get to our room we both knock loudly on the door to be met by... A crying Louis?

"I thought you died! LADS THEY'RE ALIVE!" He yells, hugging the two of us.

"We're right here Lou," I coo, patting his back just as the other four boys round the corner in the same state as Lou.

"We thought you were kidnapped! We almost called the police!" Zayn exclaims as the four of them join in on the hug.

"Where were you?" Liam asks protectively.

"None ya," Lucy smirks, walking into the living room with me and the boys following behind her.

"What's that?" Liam asks confused.

"None ya business!" I yell.

"You're telling me that you had us all worried to death that you had been kidnapped, and now you won't tell us where you were!?" Harry asks, his anger showing.

"It was no where dangerous," Lucy states calmly.

"Then why won't you tell us!?" They shout in unison.

"Because it was just a friend thing that we are going to cherish throughout our years and tell our husbands and our kids," Lucy replies.

"Ya know, I would marry you just so I could know where you both went," Harry states, crossing his arms.

Lucy sticks her tongue out at him, and she gets comfortable on the couch- comfortable being stretching out with her legs on Louis.

"Tired?" Zayn asks her with a smirk.

"Hmm hmm," She mumbles, turning her back to us, and I can tell she's either out, or about to be.

"Why is she so tired?" Louis asks with a laugh, poking her ankle.

"She stayed up all night, because she's an idiot."

They all laugh.

"I'm hungry," Niall states from next to Harry.

"Of course you are," I laugh with an eye roll. "I'll call room service."

I glance back to see them looking at Lucy as if plotting a plan for a prank.

"I wouldn't mess with her. She knows people," I smirk, walking into the kitchen where the phone was.

When I walk back in, I see the boys all slumped down as if they're depressed that they couldn't prank Lucy.

I shake my head with a smile.





Just here to say thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments!!

Love you guys!! :)


~Makayla <3

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