Eleven: Keep That Umbrella on, Sir

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Eleven: Keep That Umbrella on, Sir

"What?" We all ask in unison, all of us making sure we heard Liam correctly.

"There. Is. A. Naked. Man. Outside. With. An. Umbrella."

"No way," I say, walking over and looking out the window. I scream and shield my eyes when my eyes see a white butt and a colorful rainbow umbrella that's covering his 'jewels'.

"Ew, he needs to leave," Lucy states, walking up beside me.

"How do we tell him to leave?" Zayn asks, his face showing nothing but disgust.

"Like this," Lucy begins, opening the window and yelling "HEY, YOU GO STAND OUTSIDE SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE!"

He turns around, nearly removing the umbrella.

"KEEP THAT UMBRELLA ON, SIR!" Louis yells. Lucy and I shield our eyes as Harry and Niall do nothing but laugh their heads off.

"NEVER!" The man shouts, running at us, the umbrella raised high.

"SHUT THE WINDOW!" I scream. Zayn frantically tries to shut the window, and all of us scream at the top of our lungs as the man gets closer to the window.

"IT'S STUCK!" Zayn yells.

"GRAB A KNIFE!" Niall shrieks, running for the kitchen drawer.

"And what are you going to do with that?" Liam asks calmly.

Oh, Mr. Calmpants over here isn't even worried that some naked man is about to dive into his house.

"HE'S GETTING CLOSER!" Harry yells, and I glance up to see the man about ten feet away, running fast.

"BANANA!" Louis screams, throwing a banana at the man who screams and falls onto his back and just lays there.

"Did you kill him?" Niall whispers as all of the guys look out the window as Lucy and I avoid it since the umbrella lays by the man's side, and we don't want to see anything that may permanently hurt our eyes.

"Just leave him there," Harry states.

"Harry, it's going to be bad when someone sees a naked man, a colorful umbrella, and a banana laying in our front yard," Liam points out, rolling his eyes.

"We could hide him in the bushes," Niall states.

"That's... Actually not that bad of an idea." Louis smirks.

"Oh, yeah, it's not going to look suspicious at all as you drag a naked man into the bushes. Plus, what happens if he wakes up?" Lucy asks.

"If who wakes up?" A voice asks. All of us scream at the top of our lungs when we see the man is standing at the window.

"PROTECT US HARRY!" Lucy screams, shoving Harry towards the man.

Harry lets out a shriek, grabbing Lucy and pushing her instead.

"Boo," the man randomly says, laughing which makes Niall scream again. "You kids want an umbrella?" He asks, holding up the umbrella.

"Um... No," I say, freaked out.

"Suit yourselves," he mutters. "FOR NARNIA!" He screams, running across the yard towards the road.

"Shut the window, shut the window, SHUT THE WINDOW!" Lucy screams, climbing up on the counter and trying to shut it with all her weight.

Liam and Zayn help her, and they manage to get it shut and locked.

"That's it, I'm taking a nap," Lucy states, heading out of the kitchen.

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