Twenty-Two: He's Back

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-Macy's POV-

"Louis was cracking me up," I say to Lucy as we walk back towards the tour bus to cook lunch.

"He was hilarious," she agrees, swinging the door open and stepping onto the bus.

"I was thinking something easy to cook..." I trail off as I look through the cabinets for ideas.


"Not that easy, Lucy."

"Grilled cheese?" She then asks.

"That's more like it. You get the cheese, I'll get the bread," I grin.

After we both get everything we need (which isn't much- I mean it's just cheese and bread), Lucy starts making the grilled cheeses, and I make some French fries.

"Macy, do you hear that?" Lucy suddenly asks, looking towards the back of the bus.

I take a step back from the stove that had the sizzling fries, and I can hear what Lucy must be talking about.

There was a taping coming from the back of the bus.

"I'll go see what it is..." Lucy trails off, walking towards the sound.

I turn back to the stove, but I jump and turn when Lucy screams, and I find myself screaming as well.


-Lucy's POV-

I walk towards the back of the bus slowly, and I find the source of the noise is in the coat closet.

I grab the handle, and I swing it open.

A scream finds it's way out of my mouth when I see him.

The umbrella man.

I run as fast as I can towards the front of the bus, still screaming, and I can hear his footsteps running behind me and him laughing.

Macy sees him and starts screaming, and the two of us keep running.

The boys run onto the bus, and it doesn't take long before they start screaming along with us.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" Louis shouts at the man, who was clutching to the side of the couch laughing his head off.

"I missed you guys," he grins. "And I know you missed me."

"HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE!?" Liam asks.

"Through the door."

"How long have you been here!?" Macy asks.

"I came in last night while you all were sleeping. I took some selfies with the boys."

"I think I'm going to be sick," Zayn mumbles, walking quickly out the door.

The man walks around the couch, and I sigh in relief when I see that now he actually has a pair of shorts on. It would be nice if he'd put on a shirt though...

His chest and stomach is so hairy, I think I just found Narnia.

"Can you leave, please?" Niall asks, his voice quieter than usual.

"Can you guys at least keep my umbrella? I want to give this to someone, and no one else wants it."

"Put it on the couch, and then leave please," Liam instructs.

The umbrella man drops his umbrella onto the couch, and he runs out the door screaming something about pineapples.

"How the heck did he get all the way here to us in Florida!?" I ask no one in particular, running over and locking the door.

"The world may never know..." Harry says dramatically.

"Is something burning?" Liam suddenly asks.

I look over at Lucy with wide eyes, and the two of us run for the kitchen to see smoke everywhere.

I look back at the boys, "Who wants to go out to eat?"


-Macy's POV-

"Do you know what I just realized?" I ask Lucy as the two of us sit on the couch watching a movie.


"In just a few months, the tour is going to be over. What happens then?"

"Actually..." She trails off, muting the tv. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something rather important."

"What is it?"

"I got into Georgetown. I'm going to college starting this fall."

My mouth drops open, "You got in!?" I knew Lucy had applied a few months ago, but I had forgotten.

"Yeah, I have my letters sent to my house and my mom called with the news."

"I did the same with my letters, but I haven't gotten any calls. If I didn't get into Michigan, I don't know what I'll do. My mom and dad have pushed and pushed for me to go to Michigan, and yes it's a great school, but I'd rather go to somewhere like FSU or Florida."

"You should send in an application for those schools as soon as possible."

"I'll do that. I'm really going to miss the guys though... And I'm really going to miss you. We've never been separated."

Lucy sighs, "I know. I don't know what I'm going to do then."

"Do when?" A voice asks from behind us, and we glance back to see Liam in his pajamas holding a glass of water.

"We'll explain later, when the time comes," I say, smiling slightly.

He nods, "Well, goodnight girls."


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