Nine: BURN

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Nine: BURN

"RISE AND SHINE BUTTFACES! THE SUN IS HIGH, IN THE SKY!" I yell as I walk into the living room.

"Gosh, my ear drums!" Zayn cries, holding his ears.

"Toughen up, Malik," I say, flicking his forehead.

"What's with you flicking my forehead!?" He shouts.

I ignore his comment spinning on my heel and walking into my room where Niall and Louis were sleeping.


Niall shoots awake screaming which conveniently wakes up Louis.

"You are a-"

"Mazing. I know," I cut off with a smirk, making Louis' laughter fill the air.

"DIEEEE!" Lucy suddenly screams, busting into the room, swinging her baseball bat.

"WHAT THE HECK, LUCY!?" I shout, clutching my heart, just like last night.

"I heard screaming," she says with a shrug.

"Talk about déjà vu!" Niall yells, laughing.

"Louis!" Lucy suddenly yells, making the poor boy jump.


"Make me breakfast," she commands.

"Uh... No."

"NOW!" She yells, making me bust out laughing and Niall and Louis' faces look scared.

"Okay, fine!" He says, getting up and walking towards the door.

Niall laughs at him loudly, watching him leave.

"Niall, you too," I say, crossing my arms.

His laughter stops and his smile turns upside down, "I can't cook."

"I DON'T CARE! GO!" I yell loudly like Lucy had making him run out the door, shielding his head as if he expected me to hit him.

Lucy and I look at each other, and start laughing as we walk out of my room and into the living room where Harry, Zayn, and Liam were looking rather confused.

"What happened to Louis and Niall?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, they like ran by freaked out, and when we asked them what was wrong they both yelled 'Demons! Demons'!" Harry exclaims.

"They're cooking us breakfast," Lucy states.

The three of them bust out laughing.

"Losers!" Harry shouts.

"YOU THREE TOO!" I yell, pointing at the kitchen.

They scurry into the kitchen, and Lucy and I plop down on the couch.

"I wonder what they're making us," I wonder aloud.

"It'll probably poison us," Lucy says with a laugh.

We hear the banging of pots and pans, and our refrigerator opening and


Suddenly, we hear screams, and Lucy and I bolt into the kitchen to see water boiling over and the boys freaking out, not sure what to do.

Lucy runs over, turning off the stove, and grabbing a cloth to dry around the stove where the water hit.

"What the heck was the water for!?" I ask, putting the pot into the sink.

Niall shrugs, "It just seemed like a good idea to boil some."

I face palm, "Remind me to never put you in the kitchen."

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