Ten: Boys

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Ten: Boys

"Awww, you look so pretty!" Lucy gushes when I walk out of my bedroom dressed in some jeans and a plain navy blue t-shirt with my black Vans. I curled my hair, and I even bothered to put on a little bit of make up.

"So do you!" I exclaim, looking over her outfit; which consisted of jeans, a black t-shirt with "Swerve" on the front, her black converse, and she left her hair curly, and like me, she put on a little make up.

"Thanks! So, what's the plan sista?" She asks, slipping her aviators on.

"Well, I was thinking we could hit the movies, then the mall, and if we don't find any hot, single guys there, we go to Mexico."

She nods her head, "Good plan, señorita."

"I know, señor."

She makes a face at me, and lowers her voice as she speaks, "That was supposed to be a secret."

"What was?" I ask, laughing.

"Me being a man."

We both bust out laughing, heading out the door.

"Dang it, I forgot the car keys," I mumble when we get to the car.

"Well, since I'm smart, I got them," Lucy states, tossing them to me.

Rolling my eyes, I hop into the drivers seat.


"Hottie, twelve o'clock," Lucy whispers while we're in line at the ticket booth.

"Where?" I ask, looking in that direction.

"There!" She exclaims, pointing.

"Lucy, that's ten o'clock!" I tell her, face palming.

"You better be happy I was only two hours off." I just roll my eyes.

"So, that guy?" I ask, looking across the theatre at a tall, dark haired boy who was texting or playing a game on his phone.

"Hmmm hmmm. Just look at that SnapBack," Lucy smirks, nudging me, knowing I love a boy in a SnapBack.

"AH, THERE'S MORE! THERE'S MORE!" Lucy exclaims loudly, making the people around us look at us.

I cover her mouth, but I still follow her eyes and see the other three boys heading over to cutie pie.

Wait, that's so girly!

How about... Hot pie.

That doesn't even sound right.

Maybe... Sexy pie?

Okay, I'm done. I'll call him Pablo.

"Okay, Lucy, I'll go to the concessions next to them, and you run really crazily and yell my name so they notice you and me," I tell her, already walking away as she gave the ticket lady some cash.

She nods, "Okay."

I go to the concessions, pretending to look at the popcorn and candy.

"MACYYYYY!" Lucy yells loudly, me turning around and yelling "LUCYYYY!" And then we both epically hug in the middle of the theatre as everyone, including Pablo and his followers, look at the two crazy chicks.

I make eye contact with Pablo, finding him watching me and Lucy with amusement. Lucy and I go up and start ordering some food- me watching Pablo in the corner of my eye to see if he's gonna make a move.

I see him and his group making their way towards us.


"Hey, I'm Jeremiah," Pablo smiles.

His eyes look so much like Niall's.


"I'm Macy," I say, returning the smile.

"Yeah, I kind of figured with your friend there yelling it as she ran towards you," he laughs.

"That friend has a name. And it is Lucy," Lucy states, stepping up beside me.

"That's Westin, Caleb, and Jake," Jeremiah tells us, pointing at the blond one, then the brunette, and then the black haired one.

We all wave at each other, all of us looking rather awkward.

"Want to join us in the Lego Movie?" Jake asks, him flashing an adorable smile.

Agreeing, Lucy and I follow them.




"Should we text them, or should we wait for them to text us?" Lucy asks as we get into our car.

"Them text us," I tell her. "We don't want to seem desperate."

"Good point--- hey, I got a message from Louis," Lucy says, checking her phone.

"What'd he say?"

"He wants us to go to their house and eat dinner."

"Are we?" I ask, putting the keys in the ignition.

"If you want to," she shrugs.

"Yeah, let's go," I say, pulling out of the parking lot.


"LADIES! WE MISSED YOU!" Louis shrieks, crashing Lucy into a powerful bear hug, and then moving on to me.

"Missed you too!" Lucy and I laugh in unison.

"Hey girls," Liam grins when we walk into the kitchen.

"Pizza?" I ask, looking at the pizza boxes.


"MACY! LUCY!" Niall suddenly yells running into the kitchen and hugging us. "I missed you," he whispers dramatically.

"We missed you too," I laugh, patting his back and trying to ignore my crush situation. Being a teenage girl is tough. Especially when you have to hang out with such sexy people everyday.

Think of Pablo.... I mean Jeremiah.

"Who's Caleb?" Harry asks, and I look back to see him looking down at Lucy's phone that she had set down on the counter.

"A friend," Lucy states, grabbing her phone, a blush coming to her cheeks when she checks it.

"What'd he say!?" I ask excitedly, running over.

She shows me the phone and I gasp, "AWWW!"

"What'd he say?" Louis asks, all of the guys' attention on us.

"Hey babe," I tell them as Lucy sends a reply.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Zayn asks playfully, batting his eyelashes at her.

"No! Just a friend!" Lucy exclaims, avoiding eye contact with Harry.

"How old is he?" Liam asks, crossing his arms.


"Gender?" Niall asks.

"Niall, what part of 'HIS NAME IS CALEB' do you not understand!?" Lucy asks, both of us laughing.

"Well, I couldn't think of a question, so..." He trails off, hanging his head in defeat.

"Uh, guys?" Liam says, looking at something outside.

We all turn our attention to him.

"There's a naked man with an umbrella outside."

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