Sixteen: Boarding

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Sixteen: Boarding

-Harry's POV-

We run out of the van as soon as it's parked, and the five of us run into the apartment building, hoping Macy and Lucy are still there.

After a elevator ride that lasted too long, we get to their apartment and push the door open.

"LUCY!? MACY!?" We all shout, looking around.

The emptiness of their apartment reminded me of the emptiness in my heart. They're really gone.

"This can't be," Louis says quietly, walking over to the living room where we had been so many times before.

"They're probably taking the soonest flight. We need to get to the airport," Liam states in a rush, and within seconds we're rushing back through the building.

They can't be leaving. This has to be a nightmare.


"Please, sir, let us through!" Liam yells to the security guard, but Louis pushes Liam out of the way.

"Don't you know who I am!? I'm Louis Tomlinson, and I'm sure you've heard of us!" He shouts at the man who rolls his eyes.

"Lads, I am not authorized to let you through."

I look past him at all the people going in different directions towards their flights, and I see a familiar set of girls pushing their way through.

"LUCY! MACY!" I shout at the top of my lungs, and the lads join in.

I notice people start to recognize us, but none of them approach us. I probably wouldn't either. The five of us look like we just sniffed straight sugar and went to a dance party.

Lucy turns around, and her eyes lock with mine. Her mouth drops open in shock, and she swats at Macy who turns around and her reaction was similar to Lucy's.

"DON'T LEAVE US!" Niall cries out, all of us trying to push by security guards who seemed to be wondering whether they should use their tazers on us or not.

Neither one of them take a step forward, but I watch as a tear falls from Lucy's eye. Macy mouths the words "We have to go", and then the two of them disappear into the crowd.

"NOOOOO!" The five of us shout, but we're cut off by a security guard, "We need you to leave, gentlemen. Otherwise we'll have to escort you out."

We all slowly stop fighting against them, and then we make our way out of the airport.

"They're really gone, aren't they?" Niall asks as we all sit in the van in silence.

I put my arm around him, patting his back, "We'll see them again."

"I thought it was stupid," Zayn says.

"You thought what was stupid?" Louis asks.

"The idea of Simon getting us babysitters, but look at us. We haven't gone to any parties or have done anything stupid- well we've done stupid stuff, but not dangerous stupid stuff."

"You're right," I nod, looking out the window to see a plane taking off.

"I know."

"What do we do?" Niall asks all of us.

"I don't know, Niall," Liam replies.

"We can't just forget about them!" He shouts.

"I didn't say we were!"

"Let's just go home," Zayn cuts in. "We need to all calm down before we do something or say something we may regret."


-Lucy's POV-

"Our flight's boarding," Macy says, and I nod, grabbing my carry on bag and walking towards where our plane boards.

"LUCY?! MACY?!" I start hearing, and I look around confused. I see a familiar group of boys being held back by security, and my eyes lock with Harry's. I reach out and get Macy's attention, and we both stand there dumbfounded.

"DON'T LEAVE US!" Niall shouts at us, making my heart break. Tears find their way into my eyes.

Macy mouths something from next to me, and she looks back at me telling me it's time to go. We push ourselves through the crowd of people.

After we board the plane, I close my eyes as soon as my head hits the headrest.

"We'll see them again, Lucy," Macy states, her voice quieter than usual.

"I know, but I want to stay with them."

"But we promised Kailin."

"I know." But I wish we hadn't.



I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER! I haven't been able to get on wattpad for very long for multiple different reasons, but I am now! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments AND FOR OVER 10,000 READS! AHHH

I know this chapter's short, but I'll try to add more in my chapters to come!

Now I'm curious... This book is definitely not even close to being over yet, and I want to know what kinds of things you readers want to see me incorporate into this! I'm open to anything and everything!

Thank you again for reading!!

Love you all <3

Also, if you don't mind PLEASE check out some of my other works! It would mean a lot to me!



I need 20 votes and 5 comments (not including mine when I reply) for the next update

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