Seventeen: The Reunion

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Seventeen: The Reunion

-Macy's POV-

It's been two months since we've seen the boys. They're back on tour, and I honestly can't believe I really babysat them. Lucy and I have enjoyed working on this movie so far. It's nowhere near as fun as hanging out with the guys, but it's alright.

In the movie, Lucy and I are two crazy best friends, just like in real life, that are in the movie quite a bit. We put the humor into it. The movie is basically just a high school love story. And it's a lot longer than what I expected it to be.

"You talkin' to me, punk!?" Lucy asks, acting angry as I watch the scene from the sidelines.

"Yeah, I am," the guy actor, I think is name is Steve, says, crossing his arms.

"You better watch out, pretty boy! I'm the craziest person I know!" Lucy shouts, walking off set.

"And that's a wrap! Good job everyone today! See you all tomorrow!" The director shouts as Lucy skips over to me.

"Nice job, Lucy!" I grin, giving her a high five.

"I was just pumped up, because I'm excited about tonight," she says as we head out the door into the parking lot.

"So am I, but I'm also kind of nervous..." I trail off.

"Don't be. It's going to be awesome."

"I know, but still. What if they're mad?"

"They'll get over it."

I just laugh. Let's just say Lucy and I got a call from Simon, and he surprised us with two front seat tickets to zone boys' concert; plus our own unique backstage passes. These passes get us anywhere, but he said Paul will be waiting for us after the show.

I'm excited to see the boys again, and I hope they'll be excited to see me.


"IT'S ABOUT TO START!" Lucy screams at the top of her lungs, shaking me.

"Lucy, you're friends with them, and you're still fangirling over them!" I say laughing.

"And you're not?"

We both smirk at each other, and we both start screaming at the top of her lungs like almost every single person in the arena.

The lights start doing something magical, and I manage to scream even louder.

The familiar beginning to Midnight Memories echoes through the arena, and in seconds the boys appear making Lucy and I scream even louder.

They goof off as they sing, the whole arena screams the lyrics along, and I have never been so happy in my life.

Louis starts walking right in front of where Lucy and I are sitting on stage, and he waves at all the fans. He makes eye contact with me and he does a double take, and he realizes it's me and Lucy. He beams at us, and he continues to keep singing, but he stays close until the end of the song.

"Lads, you will never guess who is here!" He smirks as he looks back at the boys.

"Obama?" Niall asks making the audience laugh.

"No! Our old babysitters!"

Murmurs start to erupt from the audience, all of them confused, and Lucy and I just look at each other. This can't be happening.

"WHERE!?" They all shout, looking around.

"Ladies, come up here on stage please," Louis grins, looking down at us.

Bodyguards walk up to Lucy and I to help us up on stage, much to our protest. I've never been in front of so many people in my life!

The boys give us a tight hug, and I feel on top of the world. That is before I notice all the fans freaking out and wondering who the heck Lucy and I are. Then again, some of them may know since Lucy and I may have been seen when the boys were mobbed that one time.

"These two girls babysat us for a while when we got into some trouble a few months ago," Liam explains.

"They're now apart of the One Direction Family," Louis says, making my heart melt. Some of the fans "awwww", some scream as they freak out, and others boo us. Boo you too...

"I have a confession!" Niall suddenly shouts, waving his hands around.

"Tell us the confession, Niall," Zayn says, laughing.

"Macy," Niall begins, taking my hand. "When you first started babysitting us, I kind of got a crush on you..." He begins. This can't be happening. "And then, when you left, I realized how much I had fallen for you. So, Macy, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" He asks.

Mostly everyone "awww"s, although some Directioners sent a few choice of words my way.

"What?" I ask dumbly. There's no way this is real.

"That means yes!" Lucy shouts making everyone cheer.

Niall looks at me for reassurance, and I nod, smiling.

He hugs me tightly, and I can't help but feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Scratch that, I am the luckiest girl in the world.


"We're so happy to see you," Liam states as we all sit backstage after their totally amazing concert.

"We missed you guys," I say, a smile still on my face as I sit, holding hands with Niall.

"What have you two been up to here?" Harry asks, all of the guys intrigued by his question.

"We're in this movie thing. It's almost finished actually; well the taping is. They're still going to have to put it all together," Lucy explains.

"That's awesome!" Louis says, all the guys nodding in agreement.

"How long are you guys going to be here?" I ask, suddenly relaxing that they can't have very much time here with us.

"Just tonight and tomorrow," Niall says sadly.

We all quiet down, until Louis gets a mischievous look on his face.

"When's your movie taping going to be over?" He asks.

"Tomorrow... Why?" Lucy says confused.

"Well... If you're done with that, I don't see why you can't get back into the babysitting business."

"I don't know... Don't get me wrong, we'd love to, but Simon might not agree," I say, not getting my hopes up.

"I think it's a marvelous idea!" His voice suddenly says, and we snap towards the door where he was standing.

"Uncle Si, what are you doing here!?" Louis asks.

"I had to see the reunion!" He states in a 'duh' tone. "You all were very close, so I just had to see your reactions when you saw each other again."

"So you're saying they can babysit us again!? While we're on tour!?" Harry asks excitedly.

"Yes... That is if they want to!"

Lucy and I look at each other smiling, "We're in!"

Going on tour with One Direction. I can cross that off my bucket list!

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