Two: You're Not Pizza

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-Macy's POV-

Zayn stares at us wide eyed, as if Lucy and I were some kind of disease.

"You're not pizza..." He states scared. OHHH... He must think we are some of those whacko fans. I mean, we're crazy, and we're fans, but you know we won't physically grab them and stuff...

"What!?" Lucy shrieks, grabbing her face, "YOU MEAN MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!?"

Zayn stares at her wide eyed, while I laugh loudly.

"Ah, girls, you've arrived!" A voice says from behind Zayn.

I look past him, and my jaw drops open once again when I see Simon Cowell walking towards us.

"Uh, Uncle Si, who are they?" Zayn asks.

"I'll explain in a second. Get the other boys and go to the lounge," Simon says.

"Other boys?" Lucy and I ask in unison.

Simon chuckles, "Yes, girls."

"Why is One Direction here?" I ask raising my eyebrows at the most amazing dude on the planet.

"You see..." Simon begins, smiling sheepishly, "They're kind of the boys I need you girls to babysit."


"If you don't want to, I understand-"

"No, it's okay; we kind of need the money," I say breathing in and out heavily.

I'M GOING TO BABYSIT ONE DIRECTION! AHHHHH! Okay, fangirl moment. Calm down Macy. Don't act like a freak in front of Simon.

"Great!" Simon cheers, smacking his hands together. "Ready to go meet them?"

I gulp, but nod. It's now or never.

He motions for us to follow him, and I walk in with Lucy behind me. I glance back at her to see her looking like her normal self.

Right, act normal Macy.

"You two wait right here. I'll call you in in a second," Simon whispers, making sure we stay behind the wall- behind it being five sexy beasts.

Simon walks around the corner, "Boys, I've seen the tabloids."

"Uncle Si, we can explain-" Liam's British voice says quickly.

AHHH! A sexy beast has spoken. And yes, I do know them by their voices, almost every Directioner does!

"Liam, don't. You boys have been out partying, drinking, and almost getting arrested for driving under the influence!"

"Uncle Si, we're sorry-" Louis' voice begins.

Another sexy beast.

"No. No apologies. You guys are too immature to go out by yourselves, so that is why I got you babysitters."

"AWW SNAP!" I hear Zayn gasp. He must already realize that's where Lucy and I come in.

"Awwww crackle!" Niall joins in.

"AWWW POP!" Louis yells.

"Lucy? Macy?" Simon calls.

I take a deep breath, walking out from behind the wall to reveal Simon and One Direction.

"Boys, this is Macy," he begins pointing at me, "and Lucy," he says pointing at Lucy.

"TWO TEENAGE GIRLS ARE GOING TO BABYSIT US!? THEY LOOK YOUNGER THAN HARRY!" Liam exclaims as if Lucy and I aren't even in the room.

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