Five: Zombie Lou

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Five: Zombie Lou

"Are you really that much of an idiot?" Lucy asks Harry in monotone.

"No!" He snaps, crossing his arms over his chest. "It wasn't that bad!"

"She's right, Styles. That was pretty... Stupid," I laugh.


"Yes!" Lucy and I cut him off.

He sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at us!" I snap jokingly.

He looks at us bluntly, "You both are annoying."

"Well aren't you just a wonderful ray of sunshine!?" Lucy yells, throwing a pillow off of the couch at his face.

"What's going on in here?" Liam asks, walking into the living room where Harry, Lucy, and I were sitting while the other boys were getting dressed.

"Harry's-" I begin.

"They're being mean to me LiLi! I'm being bullied! Call an ambulance! Call the cops! Heck, call the SWAT!" Harry yells dramatically, diving onto the floor and crawling over to Liam, hugging his legs.

"What did they say, Harry?" Liam asks calmly.

"They said I was an idiot and stupid."

"Why'd they say that?"

"He kissed the TV!" Lucy shouts.

"Why did he do that!?" Louis laughs, walking into the living room also.

"There was a frog on it," I inform them.

"I'm not following..." Liam trails off.

"According to Harold," Lucy begins, patting Harry's head like a little kid, "If he kisses a frog then he's bound to get his own princess, and he thinks that applies to the frog being on TV also."

Louis busts out laughing, "Oh my god! I can't believe you did that Harry!"

"Did what?" Niall asks, walking in with Zayn right behind him.

"He kissed a frog that was on TV," Liam laughs.

"Tell the world, will you?" Harry mutters, face palming.

"Good idea Harry! I'll put it on Twitter!" Niall exclaims, pulling out his phone.

"NO! LEPRECHAUN, I WILL FEED YOU TO MY CAT!" Harry shouts, attacking Niall who screams like a girl.

"HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! I DON'T THINK I'LL MAKE IT MUCH LONGER!" Niall shrieks, trying to crawl away from Harry's hold.

"SUPERMAN IS HERE!" Louis screeches, jumping up on the couch and then body slamming the two of them.

"Ow..." Niall and Harry groan.

"If I wasn't dead before, I am now," Niall mumbles, lying flat out on the ground with Harry next to him mumbling profanities. Louis just laid still.

Lucy kneels next to Louis and checks his pulse. "Yup. He's gone."

"I'm still breathing you idiot," Louis mumbles to Lucy with his eyes still shut.

Lucy gasps, "Then you're a zombie! Everyone run!" She screams, bolting out of the living room.

Niall somehow jumps up off of the ground, screaming his head off, and he runs out of the living room also.

I, laughing, follow them out, and I hear footsteps behind me. I glance back to see they belong to Harry, Zayn, and Liam.

"This isn't right!" I hear Louis yell from somewhere in the house as I hide under Zayn's bed.

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