Thirteen: Revenge

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"Operation Kill Pablo is a go," Lucy whispers into her phone.

"Lucy, who are you talking to?" Louis asks amused as we all sit in the parked van in front of the restaurant we found out Pablo works at.

"An assassin."

"What's his name?"

"Harry Styles."

"What!? I'm right here next to you!"

"Yeah, and you're the one going into the restaurant first, so go," Lucy states, nudging him towards the door. The plan we came up with was to humiliate Pablo in front of everyone, but that's all we got. We don't know how we're going to do it at all. We're just winging it. I can't wait to see what happens, because Pablo hurt my feelings.


"Why not?" I ask, poking him in the back of the head. "Scared?"

He frowns, "No. I just don't want to go alone."

"I got an idea," Liam suddenly declares. "And we're going to need disguises."

"Why disguises?" Lucy asks groaning.

"Because Jeremiah-"

"PABLO!" Lucy and I shout in unison, making Liam jump and put his hand to his heart.

Baby. He needs a pacifier. I've seen my grandma naked... I'll never be scared again.

"As I was saying," he continues, "Pablo has seen us on Twitter and stuff with Macy, so he's going to know something's up if he sees just one of us."

"Good thinking Lima Bean," Lucy grins, patting his head.

"What did you call me?"

"Lima Bean. If you switch the last two letters in your-"

"I get it, Lucy." He sighs, holding the bridge of his nose. "I thought you were supposed to be mature since you're watching us."

"I am."

"YEAH SHE IS!" I shout excitedly. I get hyper quiet often and very suddenly.

"That didn't just hurt my ears," he grumbles.

"Please," I begin, rolling my eyes, "You have concerts with thousands of girls screaming at the top of their lungs."

He sighs sounding annoyed, "Do you want to hear my plan or not?"


He grins evilly, "Well..."


"This is not right," Lucy says for the millionth time as we pull into the parking lot once again at the restaurant.

I laugh quietly into my hand as I look her over. We talked her into dressing up like a pregnant woman; a black haired wig, sunglasses, and a giant belly. She's dressed in typical maternity clothes- a floor length dress with a cardigan.

"Come on wife. Let's go find Pablo," Harry says, looping their arms. Harry's Lucy's "husband" and is dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt, a baseball cap, and thick glasses.

"Wait!" I exclaim dramatically, jerking out my phone. "I need a picture." Harry poses while Lucy just glares at the camera, but all in all, it was an adorable picture.

"Okay, so all you two do is go in and get eyes on Pablo. Once you spot Pablo, text me, and we'll all head in," Liam states.

I'm dressed as a thug kind of. I found baggy jeans, a long t-shirt, high tops, and a brown haired wig. I even have in fake piercings.

Niall's dressed as a nerd, and he's just too cute with his nerd glasses and pants pulled up over his hips and his button up shirt tucked in.

Zayn took one for the team, and he's dressed as Veronica. No words are needed to explain how he looks.

Liam is Veronica's husband, and is dressed in some nicer, more expensive clothes.

We're going in at different times so we're not too suspicious and in pairs.

There's the husband and wife, the weird best friend couple thing, and the other husband and wife.

Louis is going to stay in the van and is like our eyes on the outside. Plus, if we need a quick escape, he can have the van ready to go.

"Alright you two, go on in. Remember Lucy, you're like eight months pregnant, so act like it," Louis says as Harry and Lucy step out of the car.

Lucy nods, and the two of them head into the restaurant.

Operation: Humilate Pablo in Public is a go.



Sorry this is so short, but I have to go to bed now, and I wanted to publish something BECAUSE IT'S EASTERRRRR!!


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